Enterprise Vanishing Point thread (SPOILERS!!!)

I liked the part where the stuff happened. Especially when the giant robots dressed as Poppin’ Fresh invaded engineering and made Trip eat cowpie, then Reed and Big Bird sang about the letter “E”

(can you tell i haven’t seen it yet?)

I’m not going to fall for it this time. There is no way I’m going to believe that the robots were dressed like that.

Tars, you dope, they were dressed as the Michelein Tire Man.

So that is why they didn’t laugh when Mayweather pushed their stomachs…they just crushed him into a cube.

Hey, remember that TOS episode where aliens took over THE Enterprise and had those things on their belts? Scotty drinks the alien guy under the table? (It’s green)
It’s ALWAYS the Black guy who gets turned into a cube!

“By Any Other Name”, he recalls after clicking on SUBMIT.

“You have 30 minutes to move Mayweather”
“You have 10 minutes”
“Mayweather has been impounded”
“Mayweather has been crushed into a cube”
“You have 30 minutes to move your cube.”

Bah? You couldn’t wait 3 hours for me? I’m hurt.

Well anyway
[Only part of thread that is remotely Enterprise related]
I liked this episode, and I have a feeling Tars will too. The whole first half had me thinking about the TNG episode that had the exact same concept, but the ending threw a curve. So I liked it. 8.5/10
[/Only part of thread that is remotely Enterprise related]

But wow, I did not see the panda, koala, archer love triangle. Whats up with that? Archer needs to drop that panda. Hes no good for him.
Oh and carnivorousplant did you see that soap thing?



Hay curamba, no soy bueno. Mi esposa es hota…[sniff]

Oh, wait. That was Friends

Man, I hope I finish that felchin’ driveway in enough time to get all comfortable for Enterprise.

Threw a curve, huh? Man…

Canadians, if they dumped Hoshi out of the show, don’t tell me out side a spoiler until I sees it. And Vivagirliegirl doesn’t see it til 2 hrs after me.

Who’s no good? The panda? Or Archer?

Ooh, ooh! My Cox Canadian Cable Franchise of Oklahoma just signed on the air.
Now I, too, can see The New Red Green Show and Enterprise before America does!

Gratuitous Firefly mention.

I actually liked this episode. I like that they’re developing the panda’s character somewhat; when it rolled over on its babies and squooshed them, you could see the panda thinking, “Oh, shit, now we’re REALLY going to go extinct!” Really poignant moment.

I like the word poignant.

Also, the musical number was something new; you don’t see them much on Star Trek (at least not since -gag- Voyager). And who knew Reed was so concerned with child literacy?! Though I really didn’t need to see Big Bird in Decon. Reminded me of those poor sea birds that wash up all greasy after oil spills. Not so sexy.

Ok I’ll try to avoid the spoilers, but I think this is another lightweight episode. During it I was having nits but not to worry our intrepid producers made sure that everything was explained away in another somewhat infuriating “I know we’ve seen this before” Way.
Oh there is a Hoshi shower scene. So Some peopel will be quite pleased by that.

And How can they get off introducing the Borg that early?!?!
Pisses me off.

But the Panda definitly has to go! I can’t feel sorry for any creature which squooshes its children. Though you know when Phlox was there maddly pounding on that little furry chest in desperation to save it I was touched. Especially the above shot looking down on him as he shook his fists to the heavens and screamed “WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!”

Ok, work finished early. Too Damn Cold!

So, here I sit in my easy chair, fumbling through my dammit it all to hell TiVo menu screen, and I watch the Canadian version of Enterprise.

A few nits.

They’re speaking English (SEV)! I thought this was Canada. Don’t y’all Canucks talk sumptin else, like ancient Sumerian?

It’s FOUR HOURS LONG! Most of it is just the same two scenes repeated over and over. (Can only see Phlox scream so many times, you know.)

And what’s with all those condom commercials featuring midgets? I mean, damn!

And I could clearly see the nipples of the continuity director through her white silk blouse as she was caught in a scene where they zoomed in on her breasts. Was that a Public Service Announcement or what? At least we know where Nicole Kidman ended up after MooLawn Rooje

Other than that, I liked it. Full frontal nudity. Entire bridge crew. Nice. They should’ve included Phlox, though. Be a hoot to see THAT prostethis (sp? Get Bent!)

8.0 out of 10


Just saw it for real.

the twist at the end brought it down for me from a 9 to an 8.

would’ve been cool if she found bombs on the ship

But, good job on Hoshi’s dad and Hoshi’s shower scene. God Almighty that is one cute woman. And her feet! [drool]

Back later when other arguments/praises/nonsense gets posted.

Dammitall, NCB, I wish I’d known you when I was inventing my username. I can’t decide whether Vivagirliegirl or S**t Head Cow is better. Now I’ll have to use all 3 and make more homepages.


6:30 here; will be back after Twilight Zone is done fer.

Got nit?
Got clue?

6:30 here; will be back after Twilight Zone is done fer.[/quote

incomplete predicate clause, improper use of semicolon, fur is misspelt as fer.

That was a minor nit.

Major nit:

Ah, Viva, you did know me before. I was your cabana boy in the late 80’s. You knew me as Julio, which always made you laugh, because I have blonde hair. How is Snickers, your Norwegian Elk Hound?

how many nits in mine?

Didn’t like it. Actually, I think it’s the worst episode I’ve seen yet. It seemed like such a blatant reincarnation of the TNG episode, despite the ending, which I think the producers threw in there just to cover their ass and not be called plagiarists.

Hopefully this is the low point of the season.

Oh yeah–not nearly enough T’Pol.

You know what they say. A nit in mine saves nine. 7 of 9 that is.

I have no idea what that means. I’m on quaaludes.

I cannot believe that ending. Seriously that was terrible. It was all a dream? Holy %#@!! flaming pandas people, are we back in 5th grade creative writing class? It was all a dream?
I was getting slightly upset when I realized they were pressing the reset button but they still had a chance to save it. Somehow, someway, she knew about a bomb and was going to save the ship. But noooooooooo. It was all a dream.

I’m getting sick of this. I’m really getting tired of a show that insults my intelligence week after week. It’s depressing that the only reason a show has a fan base is because of the Star Trek name and Pander the Panda showing up on schedule and in every damn script.

I’m going to go mutter to myself in the corner now.

yeah, 95 % of the show good, then that horrid ending.

[Homer voice while pounding on TV] Stupid Enterprise. Be more better![/Homer voice while pounding on TV]


They should’ve left the alien bomb stuff in as real. Such a better last minute ending device than the Dallas dream scape stuff.

It’s a dream, Alex! from Dreamscape

I like the panda.

Ender’s funny…

I agree - what a cheat. I was enjoying it (for a change) and then that crappy ending. It should’ve ended with Hoshi being a hero and out-smarting the aliens and saving the ship; instead, it ends up with her still looking a little foolish for being such a wimp about the transporter and then having the goofy “dream.” Phooey.