Esprix, I implore you!

Please, please, please don’t be mad at me!
C’mooooooooooooooooooooooon, please?

I really wanna know what you think about my participation in the Pride parade on Sunday.

Aha! I know what I’ll do… I’ll go to your “Ask the Gay Guy” thread in Great Debates and you’ll have to answer!

[aside]Why is that thread in Great Debates, anyway? It’s not debatable - you’re gay. It’s not debatable - we can ask you a question. Berry cornfusing.[/aside]

It’s in Great Debates because In My Humble Opinion didn’t exist when it was created. :slight_smile: But seriously, folks, it’s in GD because homosexuality, even in this enlightened day and age, still has political and religious ramifications.

Hrmph. It’s not often the Gay Guy gets relegated to a Johnny-come-lately.

I have responded to your question in the AtGG thread, much to my own surprise. :stuck_out_tongue:

Forgiven. But don’t let it happen again.

And as to why I put AtGG in GD in the first place, read the OP in the original thread. It was in GD where there was a plethora of misinformation about homosexuality, so it seemed the place to respond in kind. The moderators left it there, as it turned into not so much a “debate” but a discussion, and a fairly civil one at that. All others, of course, are pale imitations to mine, the original “Ask the…” thread.
