One thing that I’ve noticed about the righteous nieces and nephews of Uncle Cecil is that we are occasionally obsessed with etiquette.
Not that we brood overmuch about which fork to use - for every question such as that one, a hundred more arise in Straight Dope territory about why that #%&ing %& who is definitely Not Our Kind, Dear has to be so crass, rude, and insensitive. Naturally, each of us is always appropriate and tasteful without being goody-goody.
So what better place than the BBQ Pit for us to ventilate our feelings about those who are crass, rude, and insensitive?
Oh, yeah - and if we also devote some time to discussing how a duke’s daughter is properly addressed and whether we should care about that - so much the better.
Not me. My friends all know that they can call me anytime. Literally. There are people on this very board who have called my house at 4am, 1am, 10pm, 2pm, you name it. They can vouch for the truth of it. If you need (or even just want) to talk, I’ll talk. Of course, I don’t need to get up and go to work in the morning or anything, and I’m very good at getting back to sleep after interruptions (even better than before I had a kid) so it isn’t really the same as for everyone… but actually, even when I did have a job I kept the same “policy”. Some people have a much harder time falling back asleep though, so it really isn’t something that everyone could do I guess.
I don’t give a hooie if you, yourself, respect my intelligence or not, Opal. You’ve proved time after time that you’re basically stuck-up when it comes to anything concerning the internet or web browsers.
I immediately stopped using the long separator line when it was pointed out politely to me. You weren’t the polite one–someone else was.
As it is, it’s also a function of this board’s software, the UBB coding, which causes that.
Hey, I hauled off and stopped dicking around with it and even started a thread for the express purpose of experimenting with the software here.
What have you done besides bitch about other people’s honest mistakes in learning software and extoll your own incompetence in running your board (see above)?
Monty, you have again and again shown yourself to be “basically stuck up” about any and everything, and a rude fucking bastard besides. That said, what the hell are you talking about re: my “incompetence” in running my board? What fucking incompetance are you talking about? The fact that it is a threaded board that uses “outline style” formatting (indenting each “level” of postings) which is inherantly prone to progressing further and further to the right (and therefore off the page) as a thread lengthens is “my incompetance” how? Hell, the sample board at the site where you can download the program does that. It is just the way it works. You have a problem with it, talk to the WebBBS developers, don’t bitch at me.
As for what else I’ve done…well, I’ve been active on a number of threads, what are you implying? Oh, you were just spewing your usual crap? Gotcha. Now go shove your head back up your ass and be quiet.
Monty? Get a grip. “Bastard” may have originated as meaning the child of unmarried parents, but it has become a word that means something else 99% of the time. Why does it not surprise me that you don’t understand that?
I don’t give a rat’s ass if you defended me in some other thread somewhere else. Do you think that means I owe you something?
As for the underline vs dash… wow, you really are stupid. A hyphen is generally interpreted by most software as an acceptable place to make a line break. Therefore, most software will wrap a line of hyphens.
Lastly, when are you going to pull your ugly head out of your ass?
Gosh, you guys were right! Being able to use the F-word DOES make this a much more enjoyable place to visit! And it does make the post seem so much more intelligent as well!
To the unititated: this whole thing started with Opal complaing about this board’s scrolling off the page due to my action not so long ago. My response was basically, “Oh, you mean like on your board?” She freaked out here, as you can see, after I told her “Don’t gripe about something doing the same thing your system does–doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not–it’s still the same result.”