Considering that according to the new Rolling Stone, (which incidentally, has a story about a guy with a 13 inch long cock:p ) Evan Dando, pretty boy/hack songwriter, founder of The Lemonheads is supposedly clean and completely off drugs, it was interesting to then see the following quote attributed to Dando appear in the new Q magazine: "I wasn’t gonna leave this planet without shooting up. It’s a beautiful process, you know." :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
AssHat doesn’t cover it.
CrapHat doesn’t cover it.
Here is someone whose entire musical career was based mainly around his cheekbones and facial structure and on the one hand he’s telling Rolling Stone that he’s clean, and then he tells Q how cool it is to shoot up heroin.
Fucking waste of oxygen.
Pete Townshend should come after his ass with a guitar, like he did Abbie Hoffman’s at Woodtsock.
Well, an argument can be made that the act of doing heroin is a beautiful thing, its just not being able to get more heroin later that really sucks – and that the bad it caused later wasnt worth the short-term good it provided.
In either case, Dando and the Lemonheads have always sucked.
What’s so weird about that Zazie? I’ve never done it myself, but know plenty of people who have. Most did not get hooked. Those who did, bad news. But all agree, it’s perhaps the most beautiful drug in existence.
I can not come to the idea that a drug is “beautiful”…
It is destructive, unhealthy, etc.etc. you get my point.
How can you call it beautiful, to me it is saying it is a good thing??
Because apparently some people find the idea of not giving a shit about anything except their next shot of heroin, to the point of not bathing in any way shape or form for up to six months, not eating, not changing their clothes and having their teeth fall out one by one is somehow hip, with it, cool etc. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Hell, it worked for William Burroughs for most of his natural life, and he lived to be an old man. He just was a little better at controlling it than most people.
Yes, it “worked” for him, if you count being a pitiful addict constantly scrounging for your next high, being arrested, confined with other desperate sad sacks in federal institutions, going through withdrawal etc.
Entertaining dude though. Around my house, whenever we find a new physician who’ll fill a prescription without a hassle, we refer to him as “a croaker who’ll write scrip”.
Yes, all drugs are evil. Everyone who uses drugs ges hooked, becomes a thief, and is strung out.
I’ve never done heroin, and never would want to.
I doubt you’ve ever done heroin or a quality psychotrope.
You don’t know about the experience. Yes, you wouldn’t want to. But you don’t know, so your insipid moralizing isn’t salient. As it was already stated by UnwrittenNocturne and pulykamell that getting hooked is the problem, why are you frothing at the mouth again as you did in the thread bout high school students and strippers?
While he may not have phrased it very well for a magzine interview, heroin is undeniably pleasureable, to put it mildly. That’s completely independent of the fact that’s it’s also an extremely dangerous drug that causes addiction, respiratory depression, and occassionally coma and death. Getting hooked isn’t even the worst of it; accidental overdoses can occur even in those who aren’t addicted (perhaps even more so, due to a lack of tolerance for the drug). It’s not too uncommon to hear recovered addicts talk about how they enjoyed their drug of choice; give them a few minutes and they’ll probably get around to how bad it sucks, too.
“HEALTH HAZARDS: Due to Heroin’s highly addictive qualities, it is impossible to determine what “recreational” use might be. It is easy to assume that this person is likely to be a poly-substance abuser. Serious health consequences are often at risk due to the adulterants and the unreliability of the percentage of the actual drug being purchased. Fatal overdose is always a possibility. Infectious disease, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis are frequently a problem due to needle sharing and unsanitary conditions. Chronic users may experience collapsed veins and infection of the heart lining and valves. Users frequently experience skin abscesses, open sores due to dirty and dull needles. There is also a risk of liver disease and abscesses on the liver. Pneumonia is often seen due to the depression of the respiratory system. Adulterants injected in the vein can cause clots in the lungs, liver, kidney and brain. Heroin is the second most mentioned drug in drug related deaths.”
Payton’s Servant, that prig, that buzz-killer, may know that a 1996 U.S. survey found 2.4 million people acknowledging having used heroin at one time or another, and that there are an estimated 600,000 heroin addicts in the country. Pretty damn high rate of addiction.
Well, life’s a bit different for each of us, isn’t it? Given the contributions he made to literature while on the Horse, and the fact that he lived to the age of 83, and died, apparently at peace, in his hometown, can you really say it didn’t “work for him?”
That he sees it as encouraging youth is ludicrous. Sure, some kid can claim that, but a single throw away remark by a doofy supposed “pretty boy”(I don’t think he is remotely attractive) will not make anyone more or less liable to stick a syringe in their arm, IMHO.
Point #1: What the hell does my thread about the strippers and the high school baseball team have to do with this thread?
Answer: NOTHING.
Point #2: You doubt that I’ve ever done heroin or any quality pyschotrope.
At least you got one thing right.
And I have less then no desire to. Having tried cocaine and found that it did absolutely nothing to me except numb my gums for 15 minutes, it’s become fairly obvious to me that most if not all controlled substances are simply yet another way for people to get out of taking responsibility for their actions.
Point #3:“That he might know something is a stretch.”
Aww, gee. Now you’re gettin’ nasty.
Too bad for you it’s an utterly ludicrous and untrue statement to make. I know a lot about many rich and varied topics.