Even If It Is Christmas We Must Have A MMP!

I am midway through 'Beamette’s surprise cake. It’s red velvet. The cake is a molded pan of a mother dragon wrapped around 3 eggs, on top of her hoard. I’m going to do a base blaze over the whole cake. I’l do different colors with shimmers for the eggs. The bags will have random treasure, including chocolate “gold” coins. Mom will have a red food safe red air brushed over her. I’ll add realistic eyes. I’m having fun, even though it’s a bit more than I should be doing.

My stepsons are here. Gifts have been exchanged. All is well.

My husband owns the biggest Lodge Cast iron frying pan made. He said he can cook up a whole chicken in it all at once. He got a bunch of other cooking stuff and I got a wad of cash. Works for me. A good day way hed by all.

Even HRH Keys Louie and the Queen Scooter had needs met. We got from Scooter a big dead rat at the bottom of the stairs. Good Kitty.

I am tahred and feel a sick coming on tomorrow. Not really, but soon.

I hope everyone has a good day and remember the Reason for the Season.

Busy at work, since we were about the only store open for 10 miles. Making poke tenderloin with sweet **N.O.T.**s and lemon pepper broccoli. Getting into the holiday spirit. And counting down to the new Doctor Who.

They wish you’d go away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Taters, no White Christmas here. But maybe a White New Year’s Eve.:mad:

I almost forgot tomorrow is trash day instead of today.:eek: Lucky for me I remembered and have hauled the biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road. I even hauled my neighbor’s biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road because she’s out of town. Hey we pay for once a week pickup whether we use it or not so I didn’t want her to lose out. I have cake in da cave and am feelin’ the need to eat cake. So eat cake I shall!

Sonny I got tahrd just readin’ about the cake you’re makin’. :smiley:

Maybe -------- unless this one turns out to be an unmarked Lodge

or he counts stuff like this

Personally I don’t call the 2-short-handle things as skillets. Although some do come in amazing sizes. :smiley:

<snaps fingers> Girlfriend ---- for some people any day can be trash day. :wink:

Everyone has gone home, the house has been cleaned up, and Rear Window is on the TV. Daughter came up with 2 hilarious games for the gift exchanges and much laughter ensued. But the peace and quiet is lovely.

I am more then ready to go home, but we’ve got one more day here. We’ll help undecorate tomorrow. I hope to crash early tonight…<yawn>

Oh, Emma! I’m glad I got lazy and didn’t make the Yorkshire pudding. Prime rib, baked potatoes, roasted carrots, creamed spinach with feta, two glasses of wine… And there’s still cheesecake and moscato to go. I can make Yorkshire pud mañana.

butters, your hubs got some quality cookware there. I go down to the factory store every couple of years to add to my collection and salivate over other stuff. :smiley:

doggio, I like your holiday spirit(s). :smiley:

Supper has been served at Room at the Inn. I’m home to a sleepy puppy and prepped for irk tomorrow.

Yorkshire pudding. Yum!

We’re still working on getting dinner to the table. Chaos has been reigning for several hours. I believe that I will eat someday. I believe!

Ruble His is more like photo one with one long handle and a short one as a counterweight. I also got him a cast iron griddle pan. One thing about the Biiiiiiiiiggggggg frying pan he need not worry about me whacking him over the head with it. I can barely lift it. I ordered it sight unseen. Tis a whopper.

I also got nim a Murse type bag but more a leather and canvas messenger bag. He loves it dang it. I had set my own eyes upon it if he did not like it. Perfect size purse.

We had a great day.

And now threats are flying. I suspect part of it is the large amount of alcohol half the family drinks, and part of it is the how late we end up eating because we have 5-6 people who all know how to cook better than anyone else.

Higgs decided she needed to get up at 5. So she’s been out and fed and she’s now curled up on the footrest of the recliner. I intend to read till the household awakens.

My back is achy - I miss my bed. But this time tomorrow, We’ll be on the road home and I’ll have 4 more days off once we’ve finished the drive. Yay.

Happy Tuesday!!

I don’t count none too good - make that FIVE days off!!!

And I found out that my niece is having a boy a month after my far superior grandchild is due. :smiley:

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 32 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 56 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. TWPTB say rain will move in tonight and be there through Thursday. We shall see. Also cooler temps with highs only in the 40s. Today I shall spiff da cave a bit and do some laundry. Fun times!

So, Sunny y’all ate yet? :smiley:

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy demands sustenance. Then, well, onward into the day!

Happy Tuesday Y’all! Happy Boxin’ Day to our English Mumpers!

In-laws suggested breakfast out so We’re headed to Cracker Barrel shortly. Yum!!

Not looking forward to irk today. Granted, I never do, but I anticipate they’ll be dumber, crankier, more entitled, and more numerous than usual today.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today.
Happy Boxing Day!
The day Canadians punch each other and say “Sorry.”*

And I got a sweater flask for Christmas, so it doesn’t get a wee chill.

As long as y’all don’t end up on Live PD.

[sub][sub]*Not true, unless you believe everything that you read on the Interweb.[/sub][/sub]

Tonka peed on my clothes. :mad:

You’ve got too many letters there.

Did some family celebrate Boxing Day a day early? :eek:
Up, been to four stores; can’t find what I want. Will either need a dedicated Xmas store, or just wait until next year & acquire a reindeer at full price but my plan is become a balloonatic reindeer trainer. :slight_smile: