Collin died?!
I’m surprised and yet not. If he’d lived, that’d be too easy…and it’d basically be a repeat of how he was after the last surgery. But everyone being so sad and then Dr. Brown’s speech just gave me a big old lump in my throat. Dang near cried. Gah!
Did Amy’s nose look different to you?
Wonderful episode. Yeah, they really did have to kill him. As saramalana said, otherwise it’d just be a repeat of last season. This really adds some character depth to everyone. I’m not sure about Amy’s nose, but everyone has grown so much! Ephram looks about 3-4 inches taller, Amy looks much more mature, and Delia doesn’t look like a baby anymore.
Dr. Brown’s speech was wonderful, but the single best line was Dr. Abbott telling Bright “I do know one thing - it doesn’t mean she loved him more.”
The writing for the Narrator is spot on. The opening intro could have been Chapter One of an excellent short story. I know nothing of screenwriting, but I’d be curious to see if the screenwriters for this show have a vastly different background than most others. Anyone know?
But Collin was one of the most intriguing characters on TV…
I am glad Collin died. I didn’t like the character and was sick of the storyline. Infact when Everwood first came on and I saw him at the pool I thought “darn it! he lived” but then the scene faded out.
I think Collin’s death will add more depth to the charcters.
I still don’t think that Ephrim and Amy will get it on.
What I want to know is about the neighbors husband. I can’t think of her name…the blonde that has the son Sam. She found out her husband was having an affair with a man. They never went into further detail. I would like to know more. I think she and Doc Brown should hook up and then have regrets.
The narrator is my favorite part of any episode. (But I like the rest, too)
Does anyone know who the narrator is? Is it the “grandfather?” You know, Amy’s grandmother’s husband?
Yup. That’s him. I think it was left fairly ambiguous until the “I’m going to blow up the bridge to express my love” episode.
Anyone want to make fun of Munch for suggesting there would be a Chapter 1 in a short story?
Anyone find it kinda disgusting how Dr. Brown went to Collins memorial and gave a speech about himself? I mean, I understand what he was trying to say, but I think that he focused to much attention on himself there, said a few things about himself and then just left…I mean honestly I’m not trying to be stuck up about the whole thing but it wasn’t about him!
Oh well, I agree that Collin needed to die as well to make the story progress.