Every Man's Worst Nightmare: Wife and Mother fighting.

**The backstory: **My mother and I have never gotten along all that well. She has her own idea of how the world should work, which doesn’t jive with reality all that well. If someone doesn’t match her idea of what’s ‘right’, she tries to get them to change through some combination of emotional manipulation, financial incentives, or outright bullying. Unfortunately, my mother is also not terribly bright, nor does she have much of a spine, so if you point out inconsistencies in her worldview or simply stand up to her, she tends to back down. (Or she’d call my father, who she divorced because “we couldn’t agree on the arrangement of the furniture” , and ask him to yell at me. Those conversations were usually “Please just deal with it until you go to college as it’s a headache for me too”).

Anyway, about a week before I left for college, and my mother was being her usual poorly manipulative self, I blew up and pointed out “Mom, this kind of crap is the reason you’re not going to see me after I go to college. I don’t have to put up with this from anyone, and especially not from you. I might come back for Christmas and my sister’s birthday, but that’s because I want to see her, not because I want to see you. In fact, if you keep this crap up, I bet my sister is not going to want to see you after she goes to college either”.

Well, unsurprisingly, she took the Governor Tarkin approach to people slipping away - If someone stops wanting to see you because you were too controlling, you better be MORE controlling with whoever is left! Of course, this means my sister hates her too. Unfortunately, while I went into software and was able to support myself with internships, scholarships, and campus jobs until I graduated, my sister went into art, which notoriously does not pay well, and she didn’t qualify for many scholarships either, so she’s financially dependent on her mother until she graduates. Or takes loans, which she is thinking about doing.

So, since I graduated, I went home twice a year - once for my sister’s birthday and once for Christmas - until she went to college, and then it was once a year to see the extended family. This has been going on for a decade.

About 5 years ago, I met the woman that would become my wife. She has a very good relationship with her mother, so she was confused that I didn’t get along with mine. She pushed for me to reconcile with my mom. Then she found out how cuckoo-bananas my mom is, and understood why I didn’t want to spend time with her.

The situation: Last week was my sister’s birthday, so she came to our house and we took her out for dinner. We were chatting afterwards and she mentioned that her mom is once again mad at her. Apparently she had arranged housing with a friend of a friend, and then that person turned around and gave her room away, and didn’t tell my sister that now she needed a new place to live. My sister only found out when she called a week before the move to ask when they should get together to exchange keys. Apparently my mother thinks that my sister and this girl she barely knows got in a fight, and the room is available if my sister will just apologize. (Of course, this is not the case, as there is someone else living in the room that would be my sister’s and she’s not moving out anytime soon). As an example of my mother’s “the world should work this way” not being right, she drove up on a Sunday to talk to different apartment complexes. Because, you know, apartment leasing offices are totally open on Sundays. Or because she thinks my sister is incapable of going to a leasing office and asking “do you have any apartments available for $X or less?”, which she did, but on finding out there aren’t any, my mother believes she hasn’t done anything and isn’t scrambling to find a place to live.

After discussing how this is just another example of my mother being nutso, my sister drops the bomb that my mother is telling the rest of the family that my wife “poisoned my relationship with my son, and that’s the reason I never get to see my poor baby again”. Which, understandably, my wife did not take well. I’m just frustrated my mom can’t take responsibility for the consequences of her actions, and instead wants to blame other people for why she isn’t happy.

So now I’m dealing with the fallout of a pissed off wife, who never wants to see my mother, or let her see my son. Which I am OK with, but I’m sure there will be more fallout with the family I actually care about when I tell my mother this. I’m sure most of the argument with them will be of the form “But this upsets your grandmother when you don’t get along with your mom” (so, why doesn’t my mom stop being a bitch instead?) or “But she’s your mother!” (which doesn’t automatically make her a good person or someone I want to spend time with).

**TL;DR: **I have a crazy mother I try to avoid. She decided to blame my wife for this, despite the avoidance occurring before I ever met my wife. My wife is pissed, and I’m not looking forward to the familial backlash when I finish cutting ties with my mother.

Wow, that sucks. I think I’d email a few relatives to set things straight and let Mom know that I’d not be visiting any time soon.

That sucks too. I’m glad I’m confrontational enough to tell people the truth about someone despite the fact they’re related to me. Your mom sounds like a total asshole, no offense, so don’t be afraid to go behind her back and tell everyone how terrible a mother she is. If you can somehow turn this around from the usual “everybody gangs up on the poor in law wife” and turn the family against your mom, that would be great. Being such a crazy person, others in the family is bound to know about it already, and just tolerate it. Make up stuff if you have to to get them on your side, its not like anyone’s going to believe your mom

Yeah, set the matter straight with who you still want a decent relationship with. If they choose to believe BitchMom over you, so be it. Happened to me (over the years) and I don’t care much anymore. If they don’t believe me or at least agree there are usually two sides to most issues, screw 'em. Ain’t nobody got time for that crap.

Do you really need to have a big showdown with your mom and formally cut ties? Can you just always be too busy to see her unless she tries to pin you down about why? With someone who’s manipulative and only sees things her own way, confronting her will only add fuel to the fire without helping her see your point of view or motivating her to change. It will also give her a great opportunity to selectively quote you to other family members when she cries on their shoulders.

You and your sister can’t be the only members of the family who realize your mom is this way. Maintain good relationships with the rest of your relatives, make sure your wife and son are included in those relationships, and stay the course with regard to your mom. If you really think someone believes your wife is to blame for your problems with your mom, you can casually set them straight without making a big deal over it.

I can see why your wife would be so upset about this, but it may hit her harder because she’s internalized a concept of a mother-child relationship in which this kind of thing would really be serious. Try to remind your wife that your mom’s craziness is just the kind of thing that poisoned your relationship with her, and that everyone who matters will take anything your mom says with a grain of salt.

Can’t you and your wife just let it go? I mean you know it’s not true and other people likely know its not true. She didn’t say it to your face. You weren’t even supposed to know about it in the first place. Also, it’s not like your dependent on her for anything. Just take the high road.

Sorry, but I think cutting ties with your mother is a terrible idea. My parents are incredibly controlling as well so I know where your coming from. But, she would have to do something truly heinous before I ever considered doing something like that.

So, it’s not your wife and mother fighting. It’s your mother being a horrible person who is attacking your wife for no good reason. I think framing this as if your wife is somehow responsible is actually kind of similar to what you’re saying your mom was doing with the sister’s living arrangements–blaming someone for something they had no control over.

I am quite tempted to go around to the other family members, let them know what happened, and just be clear that I’m not interested in having her around anymore. I would rather not actually call my mother up and give her whichever degree you give someone when you’re pissed, but at the same time I know it’s going to come up around Christmas time, and while I can dance around the bush of why we’re not coming, that isn’t really a long term solution. I haven’t called anybody yet - I’m trying to come up with an email I can BCC most of the family on. My great fear is that, as some have stated, this may go from a small squabble to a big deal if I send that out. Of course, it may already be going that way if my mother is saying these things behind our back. It’s just a frustrating, sucky situation all around.

panaccione, I’m having trouble understanding your position. You have a controlling mother too, but you think I should just deal with rumors she’s spreading rather than cut her off? Why? (Honestly, I’m asking because I’m sure I’ll get this from some family members, and I’d like to understand the reasoning).

There’s nothing you can do now except wait for the sweet release of death.

Your mother brought you into the world; so you owe her big time. Visit her a few times a year; and keep in touch otherwise. Simply don’t respond to attacks, change the subject, and leave early if she persists.


Your mom’s a troll. You just gotta stop feeding her. Don’t call her, don’t go see her, and don’t let her actions affect you (or your family). Dispel rumors if/when a family member approaches you with one, but don’t go out of your way to “get to people” before she does. That’s just pot-stirring and doesn’t accomplish anything but make you look like a drama-alpaca. Any family member that would take your mom’s side without talking to you isn’t someone you want or need a relationship with anyway.

I know what you’re going through. I’ve chosen to severely limited contact with my mother, which severely limits the amount of contact I have with my extended family. That’s mostly because I don’t care about 90% of my relatives. But if my sister (about whom I care deeply) mentions the crap my mom is saying, I just say that mom is full of shit (again) and why.

By all means, set the record straight, but there’s no need to go further than that. The level-headed people in your family (the ones like you, in other words) already know your mom’s full of shit.

“Drama-alpaca ding dong” just doesn’t have the same sound to it :cool:

This makes a ton of sense. I really was not looking forward to any pre-emptive talks, and I think you gave voice to the reason why. And most of my family is pretty level headed, so I’m pretty sure they’d understand.

Plus, I can’t argue with anyone that comes up with “drama-alpaca”

help your sister out and let her move in with you.

Heh, that came up while we were talking. Unfortunately, she goes to college about an hour and a half away from where I live. Which would be a hell of a commute for her.

That’s my view. You’d just be needlessly amplifying the drama by trying to reach all of her same audience. The sane people in your family will have long since figured out what your mother is really like, and the ones who are likely to sympathize with her presumably have enough issues of their own that they aren’t likely to be won over by you trying to present your side.

My thought would be to do what you need to do to separate yourself, your wife, and your kid from her, without going to any particular trouble to tell other family members what you are doing. If anyone says anything or asks about your relationship with her, respond that she has been saying hurtful and untrue things, and leave it at that.

You don’t even live near your mother. So resist the temptation to be sucked into the drama.

Continue ignoring her.

It probably hits her harder because instead of dealing with one horrible in-law who doesn’t like her and blames her for the problems between the OP and his mom, she’s now looking at the prospect of the entire family being horrible to her.

On what planet is trying to turn the whole family against your spouse NOT heinous?

So…since she squeezed him out of her crotch, he and by extension his wife and child have to put up with her shit until, as TriPolar put it, the sweet release of death? Nah, that’s bullshit. You owe a good and loving parent a reasonable amount of tolerance for eccentricities and foot-in-mouth syndrome. You do NOT owe anyone on this whole round world tolerance for maliciousness and outright nuttery.

OP, cut off your mom. You don’t need to be exposed to her and her bullshit, your wife doesn’t need to be exposed to her and her bullshit, and your child certainly doesn’t need to be exposed to her and her bullshit. Don’t make a big deal out of it, don’t try to drag other family members into the middle of it. Just do it. Enjoy your new life away from the old bat, and may your sister soon have the same freedom.

I flailed around trying to find the “like” button on Rachelellogram’s post. Truth. And don’t send that BCCed e-mail, just let it go. Any response or engagement will only encourage your mom, who lives for the drama. Not letting it become a big deal is the greatest passive aggressive joy you can have, knowing that your not-taking-the-bait will deprive her of what she ardently desires (further drama).