Everybody can relax now...

Make sense, not translate. :smiley:

Yeah, but does Babelfish tell you the correct pronounciation of Gorinchem? It’s “gorkum” with the “G” sounding like you have really bad bronchitis and are spitting up half your lung

Welkom en groeten uit Houten (maar 25 km van Leerdam verwijdert)!

Leerdam is probably most famous for its cheese.

The cheese, which is ironically made in the next village over, Schoonderwoerd. (Which translates as “beautiful male duck”). But then there’s always glass.

Hello Greebo Ogg. Be welcome. Enjoy your stay. :slight_smile:

(ik ben niet een klompedoper, maar alleen een liefhebber. Er zijn (als je al weet) een heleboel nederlanders (maar een klein aantal vlamingen?) op de. . . board?).
Boy I probably slaughtered that one good.

Welcome! You are, of course, familiar with the SDMB policy of sending everyone who posts to you Welcome Thread a bottle of Scotch and a hooker, yeah?

Welcome to our newest member from the Nether-regions. Welcome, welcome

I spelled that correctly, yes?

What a lovely language.

Come on, Winston! You know most ofus have given up killing hookers this year. Do you have to make it difficult?

Whocha Greebo? Is it true you can commit sexual harrassment just by sitting quietly in the next room? If so, teach me how.

Now, now – it’s a brand new year, so we need a new “motivator” for the initiates. We’ll have to see if Hal can whip us up a new mascot …

Speak for youself, Inigo, I’ve got penchants to indulge. :smiley:

Welcome, Greebo!

If you need anybody to commit sexual harrassment by sitting quietly in the next room at:wink: