I got the free LOTR:FOTR DVD for test driving a Kia (only 13 days from order to get it)
Unfortunatelly it is the fullscreen version I would much prefer the widescreen version. Should I/could I exchange it at a local store?
It is still in the shrink wrap, but obviously I have no reciept. Could I claim it was a gift (which it sort of was)? I’m wondering if the store might think it was stolen. (Has the “Security Devise Enclosed” been disabled?)
Probably the honorable thing to do would be to sell it to some misguided soul and use the money to but the correct version*
*In any case, I will buy the November edition
Other than handing me my certificate, the dealer had nothing to do with me getting the DVD (it came by mail). I doubt they would be interested in handling it at all.
I suppose I could buy the wide screen DVD, then use that reciept to return the full screen version…
Nope, the Fullscreen and Widesceeen are separate products.
The DVD is already double layered. I belive there are not many DVDs that are both double sided and double layered.
I see; I thought the dealer himself handed you the DVD. Still, do you know the address to which you sent the certificate, or the address from which the DVD came (if not the same)? Perhaps the fulfillment house for the offer would be fine with exchanging it.
Usually these free DVDs by mail have a little notice in the area where the UPC code would be saying that they’re not for resale, which basically tells the store that you didn’t buy it. Back when I bought my DVD player I got 5 free DVDs by mail, and they’re all marked in that way. Though I did see a used copy for sale in a store once with the same “not for resale” notice. I imagine you might be able to trade it in at a video game store (Electronics Boutique) for store credit towards buying a new copy (those stores also tend to sell popular DVDs).