Excuses, Excuses...

As befits my UserName here, spring is upon us here in the west coast of Michigan.
(Except for the last few days of ice, freezing rain, and snow).

Now I have to think about yard work, gardens, getting the lawnmower and weed whacker out of the shed, raking the fallen pine cones on the back lot, trimming tree branches and bushes, inspecting the roof for potential trouble, putting heavy trash out for spring pick-up, yada yada.

I need an excuse to keep on being a sloth. It is comfy inside, playing music, binging on Netflix, Hulu, cable TV, sleeping all day, and posting silly stuff to the SDMB, and generally being unproductive - except for shoveling snow so the mail can arrive.

Any advice welcome except for “Get off your ass and get going!”
Which will happen anyway, rest assured.
I am just recovering from winter blues and still want to light a fire in the fireplace and nap in front of it.

So what is your excuse for being inactive, dormant, wanting to continue your hibernation?
I don’t have one.

Mañana works for me.

I’ve arranged my life such that I have absolutely (well, almost) nothing left in life to do that I want to do that I’m ever going to do; nothing left to see that I’ve ever wanted to see that I’m ever going to see; no reason to do anything at all.

Life is easy now. I don’t have to do much of anything at all. And I don’t even need no stinkin’ excuses!