My eldest went on her first date a couple of weeks ago. And I thought it would be interesting to hear your opinions/experiences, either with respect to your kids for you fossils out there, our the personal experiences of you young whelps.
My daughter’s date was not that big of a deal. She has a group of maybe 6 kids - boys and girls - she has hung with the last couple of years. Most of them are in the band or orchestra. Many are interested in forensics or theater. They get good grades. They play D&D. A couple of them are atheists, and at least one is out as gay. They clearly consider themselves “NOT” poulars, but I think they have quite a bit going for them. They hang out at each others’ houses a lot, including ours, and I know all of them.
Now they are HS freshmen. There is one kid, that my wife and I have wondered if he and my daughter were maybe going from good friends to boyfriend/girlfriend. But my daughter said no, and we didn’t make any deal out of it.
The first HS dance came up. As I understand it, my daughter and he were discussing whether or not they would be going. I guess the conversation went along the lines of, “If I WERE going, I’d like to go with you.” So I’m not sure who asked who out.
But he showed up at the door with a flower. In my book, that qualifies as a date. Later on, my wife says something along the lines of, “If ever there was a girl ready to be kissed, our daughter is.” WTF?! I don’t mind that he is a freshman and his mom had to drive him - instead of a drop out with a van.
Now for homecoming, they are talking about just going as a group. Some other guy called her, but she didn’t want to go with him, so she turned him down (politely.) One part of me said, “YES! At least she’s being asked!” It would be sad if she wanted to go, but had no one to go with.
Ms. D and the kid came home with a strapless number the kid looks drop dead gorgeous in. I asked if they couldn’t get one that was less revealing, and they say this WAS one of the less revealing ones.
I trust my kid a ton. She is really bright and seems to have good common sense. She seems to hang with a good group of kids and all. But I know what a sex obsessed little pervert wannabe I was at that age!
Just wondering what thoughts/experiences you guys might want to share about the dating game. Help me benefit from your successes and failures. What worked well, and what would you do differently. It is so funny when the kids grow into a new stage, and I start thinking, “What would Ward Cleaver do in this situation.” (Well, Ward only had boys, but you know what I mean!)