Eye Contact

Do people tend to make eye contact with the opposite sex more often? For example, men making eye contact with women more than other men. I have a feeling that this is the case but can not find anything factual to back it up. I am more curious about whether this is true with strangers exchanging glances. I clarify that I mean eye contact without talking to the other person. For example, a man making eye contact with the woman he passes in the parking lot. That same man may have not made eye contact when passing another man. I find myself ignoring men and looking at women sometimes (I am male).

I’m thinking of getting one way mirror sunglasses to test this out.

One traditional component of “gaydar” is that straight guys make only fleeting eye contact with other men, while gay guys make significant eye contact. I’ve never heard this to be true (or untrue) of women.

Dude you should totally do this and then let us know how it goes. That could totally be a new way for us (as peoples) to get to know each other. As peoples.

Girls will actively look away from me in public. Its obvious too, since I see the briefest of inadvertent eye contact, only to have them suddenly look away. It-never-fails.

I’m going with ‘yes’.