Eyjafjallajökull eruption negates 5 years of CO2 emission controls?

A comment there said that a recent study published in Nature indicates that climate may have an effect on seismology. :dubious: I am not a subscriber, so I can’t read the article myself.

There’s an old thread on ‘earthquake weather’. The idea is that there is such a thing, and the response is overwhelmingly that it’s bunk. However:

I felt I-don’t-know-how-many earthquakes when I lived in SoCal. I was asleep for Northridge (it’s the only one that made me get out of bed – it knocked down some shelves and the TV), but as I recall the weather was normal. But there were two occasions when the weather felt ‘weird’. A little warmer than it should have been, even though SoCal is usually warm. And it just felt… weird. ‘Earthquake weather’? The plate bulging a little and increasing the air pressure slightly? AFAIK, it’s never been proved. And what about all of the other earthquakes, when the weather felt normal?

As lieu wrote, ‘it’s worth considering’. But I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find zero correlation. The Nature article mentioned in the comment sounds impossible. How could climate possibly affect seismic activity? If anyone can read the article, can you give a summary?