F=Have sex with, M=Marry, J=Just be friends with.

Anyone thru out history alive or dead.
Who would you F,M,J

F=Jessica Alba

M=Qween Elizabeth

J=Charles Darwin

Last post got closed so I had to change the last option. This should be better.

P.S famous people only.

What the duece?

Presumably the first one?

F=Winona Ryder

M=Melissa Theuriau

J=Stephen Fry

Heh- this also works as fuck/live with/kill. Works best with unattractive people from your mutual high school. :smiley:

I would be king then. I never said it couldnt be for selfish reasons

Which begs the question: Why would anyone want to be king of England?

Prince Philip would be very surprised to hear that.

Yes, but talking about killing folks got the previous thread shut down.

Now, if we’re going to play this right, there has to be a proposed list of three. Ferinstance – Fuck/Marry/Errr…banish to never be heard from again (hey, F/M/B…that works):

  1. Rosie O’Donnell
  2. Ann Coulter
  3. Hillary Clinton

What say you?


The OP works for me.

“Banish to never be heard from again” works for me. Love it, Hal. Err, but in your list, which is which? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, smhanse751.


Classic actresses: F Ava Gardner, M Myrna Loy, J Katharine Hepburn.

Present day actresses: F Kate Winslet, M Alicia Witt, J Janeane Garofalo.

TV news personalities: F Heidi Collins, M Hala Gorani, J Linda Ellerbee.

TV series characters: F Dr. Cuddy, M Jamie Buchman, J Roz Doyle.

Women in the arts: F Leni Riefenstahl, M Eleanor Friedberger, J Wendy Wasserstein.

Women in politics: F Ségolène Royal, M Kathleen Sebelius, J Angela Merkel.

Restaurant and/or club employees I’ve worked with: F Elena, M Julie, J Sarah.

F= Amy Winehouse
M= Rachel Ray
J= Michael Jackson (the brewer, not the creepy guy)

That works for me. I couldnt think of a way to put it and not get it closed again. So either just friends or banish :slight_smile:


F = Female, fit, and flirty.
M = See above.
J = Everyone. Hey, everyone’s famous for 15 minutes, right!

No, he wouldn’t.


This is AKA “Shoot, Shag or Marry”.

I say, “Wow. This is why they make so many different flavors of ice cream.”

Thriced? Thirded?

Struan, you are my new hero for not only mentioning her, but also providing a link. Praise jeebus that woman was…was…I don’t even know but wow

Thirded like a motherfuck.