Failed maxims

Failed Maxims

A bulldog without honour is like a bicycle without mustard.

From the rising of the sun to the going-down of the moon, always eat bananas.

Three things there are that be forbidden knowledge.

Time was, time is, time will be, time for lunch.

To the young at heart, every day is a day withour sulphur.

Trouble not thy neighbours, for they may take up tuba-playing in the middle of the night.

That that is, is. That that is not, maybe isn’t.

He who can face death and laugh; he who knows no fear of failure; he who can climb the highest mountain, or swim the widest sea, and yet know modesty; he who is more perfect than soup; he who mocks not beavers; he who can carve beans into miniature replicas of the Eiffel Tower; he who is lighter than helium; he who can staple earwigs to rocks; he who knows the names of the chickens; he who can commune telepathically with toasters … he is, indeed, something else.

Haiku, you coo, we all coo for dog poo.

A day of rain in the desert is more precious than a gall-bladder operation.

The woman with one eye sees more clearly than the top of the highest tree.

A helping hand in time of need is helpful.

Blessed are the apothegmatic, for they shall be obfuscatory.

Sing songs from the heart, and belabour not the dog who howls with you.

The meek-souled man says in his heart, “No, you go first.” And then the prideful man goes first.

A sunny day, a helpful friend,
A kindly word, a flower to tend,
A thoughtful glance from you to me,
Ba zimba zimba zimba zee.

Bridge-builders find more valleys to cross than postmen.

An ideal woman is rarer than sand.

Intransigence is its own reward.

Monkey is as poopy flung.

The first axe whack is always surprising.

On the one hand, you have the second hand pulling the gripping hand.

Don’t talk to strangers with pie unless you want a face full of cream.

Never use a red-hot poker on a rash when a garden rake will do.

Always remember, your cat would eat you if she could.

The first one is always earliest.

A dog will bite his own tail and blame the Yuuzhan Vong for his pain.

It will feel better when it stops hurting.

You’re never too old to stop breathing.

A dead warthog gathers no wool.

Cacti is as cacti does.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It’s the bitter butter that batters a bunny.

No little girl ever robbed Fort Knox because her parents wouldn’t give her a pony.

Rare is the day, but no rarer than the night.

A glass of cold beer is to a tiger as rock-melon, says the dying man. But rare is the rock melon who has eaten a tiger.

The stone should not argue with the hermit, for the hermit may kick back.

Dollars to daisies, the world is what it is.

“The smoker you drink, the player you get.”

Moderation is fine, as long as you don’t overdo it.

Never eat anything bigger than your head.

Never pet a burning dog.

Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.

Always have a good motto.

Chickens eat crap.

Never drink water - fish fuck in it.

Drink more beer…but dammit, we use water for that.

We’re hosed - kill all the fish, and we’ll figure it out afterwards. Unless, of course, you like fish semen. Given the amount of beer I drink, I guess I’m fish-gay.



There’s never a entymologist around when you need one.

You catch more fish with worms than dynamite.

Teach a man to play the piano, and he plays “Moonlight Sonata” for a day. Teach him to play the accordion, and you hear “Lady of Spain” the rest of your friggin’ life.

You never hear the label maker with your name on it.

Just because Jeff thinks it’s funny doesn’t mean you should do it.

Better a bowl of ice cream than a punch in the stomach.

I am a genius with these, I tell you!


There but for Knights and Rooks: starfish.

The jelly quivers, the jam does not.

He who wakes up dead, dies.

A boiling pot is quicker than honey.

In the country of the legless, the headless man is dead.

An avocado a day keeps the plumber away.

Touch not the tiger. Just don’t, really. No, I mean it.

The fool says in his heart, there is no God. Then he goes and has a game of Quake.

If at first you don’t succeed, tell your friends that it was someone else who failed, not you.

'Tis better to have loved and left than to never have kissed a goat.

There’s no telling some people who won’t listen.

Meddle not in the affairs of the stupid, for they shall have the last laugh.

Ask not for whom the phone rings, especially at suppertime.

entropy in empathy : only the cold hearted can posses

beware the fifth musketeer, for it shall bring fat for thy buttocks

Beware of Freaks playing RIFTS

the bark of a headless dog is more terrifing than the gurgle of choking a chiken

to be or not to be, but only both in Shrodingers Box

Hey can I borrow this for a sig line?:slight_smile:

In Texas,we only tolerate fools and foreigners gladly.All other idiots we shoot.

I’d rather be a Texan than a member of any other state.
Texas is God’s dance hall.
Do not annoy the dog on the other side of the fence lest he dig under it and pee on your bushes.
To be American is human,to be Texan divine.:smiley:


A thorn in the hand is worth two in your tush.

The more things change, the more things change.

The little lamb knows not the ways of the lobster.

When the sun is high, God is nigh. When the sun is low, God’s gotta go.

A tree in the hand is worth two birds in a hat, or three on Sundays.

Who know the secret of the song of the cuckoo? Well, there is this one guy, but he’s not telling.

Austria bakes; Romania shakes.

Man cannot live on breadfruit alone, but pineapple is another story.

Do unto others.

The difference between “should” and “will” is farther than the square of the hypotenuse.

A knocked door never watches.

A set of twins is a joy to behold, but triplets turn evil without a scold.

Eh, what is the meaning of a “failed maximum”? Kindly enlighten me?

A stitch in time challenges several of Einstein’s assumptions

The cat’s away, but it’s only because nobody let it out of the bag yet

When the enemy looks unusually smug, it’s usually 'cause his buddy just snuck up behind you

No sense crying over spilled beans

Maxim: A general truth or rule of conduct, briefly expressed.

I should probably have called it “Failed proverbs,” now I come to think of it. Drat. :smiley:

Be my guest …

Or alternately:
In the country of the legless, the one-legged man is tall.

And while I think of it …

Beware of geeks bringing grift.