Fall Semester, Anyone?

Yet another illustration course
Cinema 4D
Vertebrate Anatomy and lab

I’m a senior, this is my fifth year, but my eighth semester. I took last semester off to do an internship.

Well, at my university, specifically because it is smaller, classes are canceled a lot. My wife was here for 4.5 years, and they never offered one of the classes she needed. They also did not plan on offering it for at least another year. I am down to needing exactly a few classes, but have situations that are difficult. I know French, but had to take Spanish because I need Composition class and it is only offered fall of every other year. French and Composition are at the same time. Now, in the spring, I need another Spanish and a Shakespeare. They may be offered at the exact same time and I will have to stay through summer. My adviser is not a lot of help, but the department head has somewhat taken my adviser’s role, and he has helped, but there are some things that will be a small gamble anyways depending on how many people sign up at what time.


History of Political Thought I
Politics of Developing Countries
Politics of War
Spanish Civilization and Culture
Political Parties and Elections in America.

I’m a junior, if that makes any difference.

Senior, music composition.

-Conducting (second semester; the intro class was last spring)
-Vocal Techniques (the class is half voice majors and half not, so I get to feel like a n00b)
-Musicianship V (in which I try to remember how to take dictation and sing intervals before I apply to grad schools - I took Musicianship IV as a freshman, so it’s been a while)
-Culture and Civilization of Spain (the last Spanish class I need for my minor - my last Spanish class was the spring of my sophomore year, and since then I’ve been doing bucketloads of French, so I’m inevitably going to be confused)
-Performance (includes all my lessons and ensembles, as well as a million other things we don’t get enough credit for)
-Honors (my honors thesis in music, which is about French composers and will therefore contribute to my being confused in Spanish class)

On paper it doesn’t look so bad, but I’m already a little overwhelmed and it’s only the third day of classes. It’s a lot more independent work than I’m used to, and I have to get better at time management (i.e. not spending all evening on the SDMB).

Senior, BA in English

Mothers and Daughters in Lit. and Film
World Lit. I
Queer Rhetoric
The Modern Novel

I’m taking 16 hours:

Entrep. and Small Business Management

Into to geo. sciences I- because I still need a damn 1 hour lab science

Business Statistics- I took Statistics when I was a Bio major but it doesn’t carry over

International Business

Organizational Behavior

I transferred schools this year, after 3 years at another and changing my major within the last year. So I have to go back and take some ‘freshman-ish’ classes I didn’t have to take for the old major or just plain skipped out on.

General Biology
General Biology Lab (3.5 hours every Tuesday…uggh)
Psychological Statistics
Comparitive Politics
Biological Psychology (sooooo interesting but not going to be too easy)

And I totally have a crush on my biopsych professor. He’s so geeky-cute and dresses well.

Still in graduate school, just one class this semester. Renaissance Literature. And I found a fellow student to car-pool with most of the way, so I don’t have to drive 200 miles every Tuesday night all alone, only 160 miles.

I’m also teaching two classes at the local junior college. Intro to English Comp (writing college papers.) I love it!

Taking a light load this year, as I’m almost done:

ME 304 - Advanced engineering analysis (this course is nothing but hard-ass differential equations…it will kick my ass)
PHYS 195 - Biological physics. Shouldn’t be too hard, since I know a good amount of the physics and biology already.

I will probably end up taking some thesis credit too, once I get my research topic all sorted out.

Programmable Logic Controllers.

Yep, that’s it, just the one. I’m seriously intimidated by the schedules posted so far. Sure, I work sixty hours a week and I’m a single parent of a teen, but it’s not like I’m the only one with a real life to fit in around school. Y’all are impressive!

I’m cramming the last 3 of my nursing prerequisites in in one semester. While working full time. It’s probably foolish, but I need to get done. And, silly me, I never took these when I was actually IN college getting my BA in psychology.

Organic Chem I (I just need to pass with a C or higher, O Gods of Orgo.)
Intro to Sociology
Healthcare Ethics

Going light this semester:

Database Management I
Software Engineering
Flash Authoring

General Physics (with lab)
General Chemistry
Linear Algebra
Vector Geometry
Intro to Problem Solving
Engineering Education

Every class but Problem Solving is either annoying or incredibly boring. Hopefully I’ll have better luck later on…

I hate this school with a passion. I got pissed off at never learning anything no matter how hard I tried and being told just to accept it. Sure, I got A’s and B’s with a curve… but who cares when you don’t really know what just happened? Of course, I stopped going to 1371 cause they were all, in my opinion, self righteous assholes, which resulted in my first ever D or whatever, but other than that I honestly tried. Bad school. Good luck.

And now?

Photography II
Metal Sculpting
Intro to Drawing
Intro to Media Studies
Italian I
Stagecraft: Costume and Makeup
WUAG Practicum, which is like working for WREK only more official.

I’m muuuuuch happier. Every single teacher so far is better than any I had at the school above, minus my Photography and Jazz teachers who were brilliant and highly recommended.

I’m starting over… trying to get some knowledge up to date to get into a Mechanical Engineering program (for the Aeronautical concentration).

I start classes on Tuesday… I still haven’t really registered for any, though, because no one seems able to tell me what classes I am or am not allowed to take to meet my goals (it’s a giant pain in the ass to try and get a BEng when you already have a BSc!)

If I get into the classes one person suggested today, I will take:

Calculus I (accelerated… the two cal classes together cover the 2 semesters from my college and a third uni-level class)
Linear Algebra
Dynamics of Simple Systems (Physics)
Experimental Physics I

Tomorrow, I monopolize a faculty advisor and get them to sort out my classes for me!

Human Paleontology
Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology
Women in world Perspective
Music: Cross-Cultural Survey
Intro Geography
Philosophy: Ethics

Third and hopefully last year.

3 semesters left for my civil engineering degree.

Fluids mechanics-way behind in taking this.
geotechnical engineering
water resourse management
concrete structures I
and then some class for students on probation. This is my first semester at U of I after flunking out 2 years ago.

3rd year of vet school, first quarter:

Junior doctoring
Principles of Operative Surgery and Anesthesia
Junior Clinical skills
small animal medicine 1
large animal medicine 2
Avian anatomy and pathology
exotic animal medicine
Food Animal Herd health.

I’m so far in debt for school, I have to finish the vet degree and get a job as a vet or I’ll bankrupt us. I am not looking forward to September 10th, and I’m terrified of senior year. :frowning:

Boring final semester here. I’m taking:
Intro to Philosophy (required)
American Government (required)
Chem Lit (required)
Beginning Swimming (required)
And fun classes!
Intro to Photography
Theatre Practicum
Piano for Non-Majors

I’ve got
Literature of the Americas (finishing my minor!)
Collective Behavior
Social Movements
Sociology of Social Welfare

Winter and Spring quarters will be better. For spring (my last quarter), I’m taking Tractor Driving!