Family-values Pub senator caught up in DC Madam scandal

Story here.

Of course, Senator David Vitter (R-LA) is sorry for his sin. But what makes it even juicier is what he wrote back in '98 about Clinton’s impending impeachment:

What goes around sometimes does come around. :smiley:

It gets better: Vitter was outed by Larry Flynt! :stuck_out_tongue:

Dick Cheney might get caught up in it too.

I personally hope that part proves a canard. The idea of Cheney having anything remotely to do with sex is deeply disturbing. I prefer to think his daughter is a clone. It helps me sleep better.

Too complicated. First, he’d have to ensure level one security for the visit, then fly in a cardiac team from the Mayo Clinic on emergency standby.

“Fifi Le Boinque’s room! Code Blue! Code Blue!..”

No silly, lesbians aren’t clones. Gay men are clones!

I wonder, if Cheney availed himself, if he shot anyone in the face.

You spelled “blew” wrong.

Heard something in passing about the good Senator’s wife had threatened to go all Bobick on him and truncate his Cheney if he misbehaved. Anybody got a reference on that?

In other news, gravity still applies a force of approximately 9.8 m/s².

I’m never shocked anymore when someone of “high moral values” gets caught with his pants down, their nose on the mirror, or her hand in the cookie jar.

It’s in the OP’s first link:

As much as I love the idea of Dick being shamed and ridiculed, I doubt that he would risk such a thing, given his obsession with secrecy. If he did it, he’d use an assumed name and do the deed in a very dark room so his face would not be seen.

It’s all business. The story is not that he went to whores himself but that he retained their services to entertain Halliburton clients.

Even so . . . [shudder]

I’m not so sure:

It sounds like he used her services and the staff is trying to spin this as best they can by saying he was merely getting it for his clients.

Because merely procuring whores is ever so much more upstanding than fucking them yourself.

Well, if it was done in service of the Halliburton corporation’s interests, that makes it all right, doesn’t it? Business trumps all.

I think a better alibi would have been to say that the bordello had one wing for executives and another for legislators and that Cheney didn’t belong in either one.

Shocking, no, but it’s oh so schadenfreudelicious.

I vaguely recall reading an interview with a prostitute in New York when the Pubbies were holding their convention there, and the prostitute was saying that prostitutes generally preferred Republican conventions because the Dems had sex with each other, the Pubbies preferred to buy from pros. Sounds like she might have been right.

Republicans have always been pro-business. Things are so much better when you leave them to the invisible hand of the market.


Yeah, those damn socialist Democrats, trying to take adultery and fornication out of the cash nexus like that.

Or maybe it’s just that nobody would want to have sex with a Republican delegate for free? :wink:

Well, then, you better not look at this photo (SFW, kinda’)

So the Dems like to fuck themselves, and the Pubs like to fuck others. Huh.