Have you ever wondered if any of the many posters that frequent this message board might be famous (in a capacity outside of their famous or infamous SDMB personalities)?
What possible celebrities might we share our rants, raves, opinions, beliefs, or mundane pointless posts with on a daily basis? Now of course this can include famed individuals from any walk of life, not just the entertainment industry, and no doubt it will incite various replies of “I’m really (insert name here)”. As I doubt that anyone of even mediocre fame would bypass the anonymity of their screen name to come forth and suffer the adulation of their fans, lets just stick to wild, pointless speculation! What famous person, of the past or present, can you imagine reading this board? What would their screen name be? Their favorite section?
I could just imagine Catharine the great, and her MPSIMS musings on proper equine training*. Though I’m drawing a blank on her possible screen names.
*Yes, I know, it’s not true, but still.
You could work out what percentage of people with computers and internet access are famous (or, how many of the top 1% of the pop. are famous) and then divide the number of active members (excluding JDT) by that number - then you’d know how many people you’re looking for.
I recon there might be 1 ‘famous’ person here - But define famous, there might be lots of people who are locally famous, like Kevin ‘Bloody’ Wilson but you mightn’t have heard of him so he’s not famous enough.
Ok, I have to post and show off my reading comprehension!
The deal isn’t whether there are famous dopers, since we already done that to death, it’s which famous people should or should have been dopers, yeah? Do I get a prize?
On the somewhat ancient theme the OP started I am going to guess that a user named 0v1|) would have had a short but fruitful career doing wittily crude pit threads before getting BANNED for trolling.
I guess I was more than a little vague with my original idea. What I had intended to start was a game. Basically, name your favorite famous personality, past or present, that you could imagine posting on this board, what their screen name might be, and their favorite forum, and possibly a sample of their writing style. Example: Einstein under the name mcsquare playing the consecutive number game in MPSIMS. I searched for similar things and if there was a game that ran along those lines I totally missed it. Oh well, so much for that, if I bother to try and start a game again I’ll try not to be so vague.
Well, a certain (Marky)MarkDeSade would be a well known and respected poster, especially on the topic of human sexuality.
GerryDaBull would be the resident expert on Potato Guns and Backyard Ballistas. Even if he’d annoy everyone by claiming to be able to safely fire hampsters from one county to another.
NTesla would rack up a post count in the tens of thousands, before being mysteriously banned.
DrBobWhite would have fascinating medical stories that he’d quickly get tired of telling.