Fat patient in the blood lab center

I had to have a blood test.

In the waiting room there was this fat beast woman. I mean just gobs of fat hanging off her…don’t think she could even walk without a walker or something. I heard her talking a bit to some friend of hers…sounded like a complete idiot, just very passive and weak “oh well, I’m a fat slob but it’s OK, at least I watch Oprah every day” tone of voice.

So she and a group of others gets called back. I wait. And wait. And wait. Making me late for work. I figure 10 people about 1 minute to get a vial of blood so 10 minutes…(actually they had two desks so it should have taken 5).

About 40 minutes later I go back. I ask the person doing the “sticks” (nicely) “gee the last group kind of took a while”. She says “we had a hard stick”. I said “The large woman?”. She laughed and said “yes, we couldn’t find a vein had to do it in her hand”.

Goddamn these slobos. They make me sick. I wanted to take a shark gun and just harpoon this blimpo. Sucking up all the tax dollars (probably too fat to work so she’s on Medicaid) with their health costs. Why does society pay for these useless eaters?

In my opinion, you get that fat, fine, no health care for you. You’re not worth it you damn blimp. How many fatties like that did we have in the depression? Not many!

And the woman was white, in case anyone wants to call me racist.

Was she talking to her friend on a cellphone, too?

I think your rant is misplaced. My sister is a “hard stick” and she’s not heavy; she just has small veins.

Surrrre. “I’m not fat; I just have small veins.” That’s what they all say!

And you didn’t have the balls to walk up to her and say what’s on your mind?

Color me unsurprised.

In my opinion, you become this much of an asshole, no health care for you. You’re not worth it, asshole. How many assholes like that did we have in the depression? Well, probably quite a few, but at least they didn’t have the internet to pollute with this kind of drivel.

Dude, you’re healthy, why couldn’t you have beaten her to the lab so you wouldn’t be waiting behind her? Obviously you’re just lazy.

Shut up, you racist.

Is this a whoosh or parody? I’m not good at figuring out these things, and I need to know whether to laugh or flame you.

Very unprofessional of the phlebotomist, to be disclosing details about the patients.

I’m not an asshole at all. I don’t like being inconvenienced and forced to pay money for people or even looking at people, frankly, who are too distusting, passive and useless to control their eating/exercise habits.

If we want to move toward a more advanced/progressive society, we need to forcibly curb this behavior. The easiest way is to just not pay for it.

I’m not overweight and it takes them forever to find a vein with me. FOREVER. It’s gotten to the point where I just tell them to start with my hand, because neither arm is going to cooperate. They never believe me.

Are you even vaguely aware that you concocted the fact that she’s on medicaid entirely in your own head? I mean, do you get that there’s a difference between the woman being fat, something you actually observed, and her being on medicaid, something you imagined? You actually seem more certain that you ‘paid’ for her lab fees with your tax dollars than you are that she’s fat.

Being fat has nothing to do with being a bad stick.

Oh and I can help you with the not seeing disgusting people. It involves a pointy stick and your eyeballs. You’ll never have to pay to see something that digusts you ever again.

Hey, hey, HEY. Who’s the fucking doctor here? You or me? Gimme that elbow and…

Oh. Well, er… Hang on… Dammit. Can I see your other arm?

If you’re not an asshole, you do an amazing impression of one. Have you considered entering some sort of asshole impersonator contest?

You have the rest of this thread to demonstrate that. So far I’m unimpressed.

Ditto on the bad stick having nothing to do with body fat. Some people just have teeny tiny tortuous veins and are really difficult to get.

Being fat has everything to do with a bad stick. I saw them say it on a TV show we’re they’re trying to operate on a blimpo. The veins are buried under 2-3 inches of blubber.

Yeah, I should blind myself because some blimpo wants to be 400 pounds. It’s not like it’s her responsibility to you know, act like a human being, instead of an eating machine.

As for her being on medicaid, she could barely walk and was dressed in rags with fat bulging out. How does a blimpo like that actually work a job?

Starve it.

Maybe she was fat because she had some underlying disability (thus the walker), and that made it hard or impossible to exercise. Maybe she was on drugs that made her gain weight or retain water. In a medical setting these explainations seem not unreasonable to me.

Also, not many people have deep philosophical conversations in blood lab waiting rooms.