Father of the Bride Wins One!

My World of Warcraft guild includes a woman, her youngest daughter and her brother. The other day, daughter made a remark about sex not being that much of a good thing; uncle said TMI; mother said something about giving it more tries; daughter say YUCK; I said “hey, daughter, I got news: your grandparents had sex at least twice!”

Now people are popping up with “at least twice” at random intervals in guildchat.
My grandparents are in their '90s. Grandma complains that their sex life isn’t what it used to be, say, “10 years ago before your grandfather had his prostate thing” (yes and his last chunk of intestine taken out and a stroke, grandma…)

I credit my not-particularly-inhibited mother with imparting a healthy attitude toward sex, but there were times when it was a little TMI. Like when she tapped on the cedar chest and said “This is where we keep all our sex toys. I just want you to know that in case we’re killed in an accident or something, so you get everything out of there before anyone else finds it.”

They’ve aged a lot and moved since then, so I don’t know what may or may not be in the cedar chest today. But you can better believe I’m going to open ALL their drawers with a bit of trepidation when the day comes to deal with their estate.

Parents have sex?! :confused: :eek: :smack:

P.S. I love the banter! :smiley: