Favorite fictional swear words?

Well, here’s an odd poll for y’all…does anyone else have any favorite “fictional” swear words/curse words, as you might find in works of Science-Fiction or Fantasy? Klingon, of course, has a large vocabulary dedicated towards (usually untranslatable) profanity, but does anyone have any other favorite “Colorful metaphors”? I think “Firefly” and “Farscape” both had their own curses, but I’ll darned if I can remember what they were.

Well, any takers?

[Fixed your joojooflop link coding. – MEB]

shock, from the 2099 marvel series, before they got ruined and i stopped reading them (coincidentlally, near the time of Spider-clone, which ruined comics for me for good)

What the grok is THIS?

“Smeghead” and “Gimboid” from “Red Dwarf”?

“Craplousy,” as uttered by Travolta in Battlefield Earth.

“Ahh! Craplousy ceiling!”


Oh, right.

Felgercarb and frack from Battlestar Galactica.

There’s always “Belgium”.

tanj – in Larry Niven

frast – my own coinage

But the best I’ve ever seen was Tim Powers’ use of “sport” in “Dinner at Deviant’s Palace.”



“Hraka,” from Watership Down; also, the rabbit deity-names, Frith and Inle. I took up swearing by them in high school, since my mother didn’t permit me to cuss “for real.”

Anybody remember the cartoon series The Pirates of Dark Water? They had a good all-purpose swear word, pronounced “Noy-gee-tut!” It also had an adjective form; you could, for example, call someone a “gee-tutin fool.” I remember it because it was my first encounter with fictional profanity :slight_smile:

Though this is not exactly a fictional swear word, I recall an entertaining use of the word “flip” as a substitute for profanity in a TV broadcast of Repo Man, as in: “Flip you, man!” This had the effect of making the movie even more disorienting than usual.

There was also that mobster guy Moroni from Johnny Dangerously: “You fargin’ bastich!”

The comic book Legion of Superheroes gradually developed an entire lexicon of profanity for their future superteens to vent in moments of crisis; at the moment I can only recall the word “Grife!” I remember how startled I was when I realized one day that these remarks were supposed to be actual future swear words, and the LSH used them a lot. They must have been the most foul-mouthed superteam in the galaxy.

Another comic book that has charmingly ficticious profanity is Knights of the Dinner Table, whose members are apt to express their emotions with such expletives as *“Firk ding blast!” *and “Fwapt!

Ooops! Hadn’t noticed a Smeghead here!

It’s a good name though.

“Shazbot!” from Mork and Mindy.

“Skardash fickrack” and “Bishdawk gratskell plog” both terrible Springer oaths from Perry Rhodan: The Pseudo One.

It’s been a quarter of a century, and I probably mangled the spelling.)

Lobo’s “Fraggin’ bastich”

Using “damn hell ass” as an intensifier, i.e. Bart Simpson’s assertion that they will live like kings. “Damn hell ass kings!”

On “South Park”, I’m fond of Butter’s use of “Christmas” as a swear word.

On “Mr. Show”, they had some sort of mob movie that was edited for content. Something was overdubbed. I’m not sure what was actually said, but what was heard was “Mother father chinese dentist!”

Robert A. Wilson’s Schroedinger’s Cat Trilogy contains a number of alternate-universe swear words, usually using people’s names. a Steinem was a blow job, while Bryanting (from anti-homosexual crusader Anita Bryant) was anal sex. I’ve meant to start a GQ thread to find out who Potter Stewart (fuck) was.

Farscape has a couple that I recall.

The most common is frell, as in “Frell this” or “We’re frelled.”

Another is drenn (I think that’s the spelling), as in “What a load of drenn.”