Favorite webcomics?

I rather like Lackadaisy Cats because the artwork is incredible, and the Prohibition-era theme is interesting. It’s a shame the story hasn’t gotten very far, because it’s clear that the creator has a lot of it already planned out.

Bingo! Thanks!

I’ll second (or third) Gunnerkrigg Court, Goblins and Girl Genius. (Hmmm. all begin with G…)

My favorites also include Sluggy Freelance - celebrating its tenth anniversary next month, Legostar Galactica and Irregular Webcomic , both built around Lego action figures. Be sure to read Irregular Webcomic with annotations on. The author’s commentaries and physics lectures are as good as the comic itself.

Indie Tits. I wish I had the nerve to wear one of the t-shirts at the bottom of the page :wink:

You Damn Kid can be gut busting funny. New comics are long overdue though.

Dinosaur Comics is the only webcomic I regularly read. The panels are always the same but the writer is very creative. Many of the comics revolve around word play and/or geeky math and science jokes such as this one about Pi day.

Most of mine have already been mentioned, so I’ll dig a little deeper into the favorites list…

Tales of the Questor is a fantastically epic story about a young lad who wants to be an adventurer…and gets his wish. The setting and plot are very well thought-out, although the author’s personal views do intrude from time to time (read: he gets kinda preachy here and there).

Least I Could Do is a hilarious comic strip done by the same guys who do Looking For Group. It revolves around Rayne, an egotistic, hyperconfident ladies’ man whose mind is not fully in this world. The premise is blatantly unrealistic, but it’s just a fun read.

Erfworld is hosted on the same site as Order of the Stick, so most OotS followers will probably be familiar with it. It takes on turn-based wargames just as OotS takes on D&D, and for the moment I’m actually more interested in what happens in Erfworld than in OotS because the writers have shown themselves to be diabolical in devising the characters’ strategies and tactics. (The current arc for OotS is dragging on much too long in my estimation, although I can’t fault Burlew for that because the poor guy’s been chronically sick for a while.)

I have a bone to pick here—is PBF really a web comic? I keep seeing it labeled as such in articles I read about Gurewitch (Gurewitch never says this—the writer always does), but the strip is published in many, many newspapers. I discovered in it NYPress years ago and was thrilled afterward to find out I could also follow it online.

But just because Gurewitch also manages to put PBF up on his web site doesn’t make it a web comic, IMO. I read lots of other mainstream comics online, but they’re not web comics in any sense of the word. Now, things like Penny Arcade, which (AFAIK) have no print outlet, fit the classic definition of “web comic.”

I have a list of about 50 comics that I read on a regular basis. Here are the ones I remember to check when I don’t have access to that list:
[li]8-Bit Theater[/li][li]Afterstrife[/li][li]Ctrl+Alt+Del[/li][li]Diesel Sweeties[/li][li]Dinosaur Comics[/li][li]Dominic Deegan[/li][li]Dr. McNinja[/li][li]Erfworld[/li][li]Gunnerkrigg Court[/li][li]Joe and Monkey[/li][li]Kristy Versus the Zombie Army[/li][li]Looking for Group[/li][li]Misfile[/li][li]Orneryboy[/li][li]Overcompensating[/li][li]Partially Clips[/li][li]Penny Arcade[/li][li]Questionable Content[/li][li]Sam and Fuzzy[/li][li]Scary Go Round[/li][li]Sluggy Freelance[/li][li]White Ninja[/li][li]Wicked Powered[/li][li]xkcd[/li][/ul]
Most of these have already been mentioned and described, so I’ll save you the pain of reading my descriptions. I will say, though, that I’m surprised not to see Sam and Fuzzy mentioned; it’s my favorite comic by far and deserves as much attention as it can get.

xkcd is the only web comic I currently read. (Even so I still get the letters the way around sometimes).

Er, I meant the wrong way around. I’m not used to message boards where I can’t edit my posts.

Just to brag about my genetics - one of the Cyanide & Happyness authors is my nephew.

Two Lumps

I only just found out about The Laugh-Out_Loud Cats (in this very forum, in fact), and it’s already my favorite.

Would it be tacky to plugmy own strips?

Holy crap. I skimmed over all the other posts about it because I though it was just about icanhascheezburger.com. That dude is awesome.