Feeling as though I don’t cough already spend enough time on the 'net, I decided it was time to expand my webcomic repertoire. Currently, my favorites are:
[li]Narbonic (sample storyline) [/li][li]Ozy and Millie[/li][li]PvP [/li][li]Penny-Arcade [/li][/ul]
Comics I occasionally catch up on, but don’t bother to check every day are:
[li]Angst Technology [/li][li]Mac Hall[/li][/ul]
So, what are everyone’s favorite webcomics? Are there any excellent ones I am missing out on? My taste runs somewhere between Calvin and Hobbes and slightly nerdy. I’m sort of a geek-by-proxy (Mr. Armadillo and his circle are all big computer nerds ) so I get some nerd humor, but not all of it.
By that last bit, I mean that I sometimes get wooshed by Angst Technology and a few others, and need to go crawling to Mr. Armadillo for an explanation.
*Originally posted by bup * So you tend toward computer/gaming joke comics?
Only through PvP and Penny Arcade, and only because those are the ones Mr. Armadillo introduced me to that I happened to like enough to keep reading. Neither Narbonic or Ozy and Millie are gaming comics.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’m on my way out to class but I’ll check 'em out as soon as I get home.
P.S. Everyone go read Narbonic, right now. It’s the best comic strip about mad scientists, super-intelligent-green-party-candidate-rodents, and gerbil inseminators ever.
You know, I never thought Sluggy Freelance was that funny. Ever. Okay, the Bun-Bun strips were mildly amusing, but otherwise I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe it’s an issue of trying to jump into the middle of a storyline–in that case, I’ll try starting from the beginning. jackelope- Shaenon, the Narbonic artist, has linked to Get Your War On in the past–you’re right, it’s great.
I’m about three weeks into the “Goats” archive, I may have to pick this one up =)
If you’re into depictions of today’s teen stereotypes, http://www.mallmonkeys.com is your best bet. They have guest comics by some prominent web comics as well.
All the other comics I would reccomend have been reccomended, so I will reccomend WIGU.
It is good.
You really do need to start from the beginning though. The strip is broken up into extremely long chapters, each representing a single insane day in the life of the Tinkle family.
I think it’s a good sign when visting threads reccomending webcomics, all suggested links bear the grey already-visited color.
I will now pimp out http://jack.keenspace.com/ .
WARNING: Adult material. Not safe for work. The best damn comic on the web, IMNAAHO. It’s furry, incidentally.
Damn. Been beaten to recomending Jack. Agreed, it’s among the best comics online right now. (Although the current arc is seeming a little off. Are soldiers given bereavement leave without being told who died?)
Also beaten to Something Positive. Damn.
In a TOTALLY different vein: http://nekothekitty.keenspace.com It’s…hard to describe. Sometimes cute (Kitty!), sometimes geeky (Take that, Optimus Prime!), sometimes verging on adult (‘Even the fucking cat’s fucking another cat’), sometimes something completely different (‘Are you going to kill me?’ ‘No! I’m your friend!’)… It’s just plain fun.
Another, which I won’t link to because, well…it really doesn’t work with the ‘one click’ rule concerning pornography, but it should be easy enough to figure out the URL is Sexy Losers. It’s…sick. In a good way.