I was just wondering if anyone here has any recommendations for free on-line comics.
I’ve been reading Megatokyo lately. The author actually has two books out too, or you can you just read everything online. He often has some entertaining “rants” that aren’t included in the books so those are worth reading as well. It’s a pretty entertaining story about two guys who go to Japan on a whim and don’t have enough money to get back.
Dunno if you mean comic books or comic strips but stripwise, my favorite is currently Foxtrot.
So geeky, so cool.
The list of comics currently in My Favorites:
My two favorites:
Both done by Dopers.
Let me second the nomination for Penny Arcade. It’s best if you’re a videogamer, but often still funny if you’re not. Megatokyo I read, but … avoid the rants by the author. Yeesh, he can whine.
Hm, I read a metric ton of webcomics, but I can’t bring them up at work necessarily, I may be able to post some links when I get home though.
I enjoy PvP and 8-Bit Theater quite a bit.
I’m a fan of Something Positive.
Great comic with complex storylines and interesting characters. Good mix of humor, drama, and action.
Strangely enough, I was just about to start a thread about this very topic. I have many, many online comics bookmarked and I’m always looking for more good ones. I would also like to see what CandidGamera recommends once he gets home (partly because I agree with him about the Megatoyko rants :)).
My favorite online comic is 8-bit theater.
Comics that I check on a regular basis
Bob and George
Penny Arcade
Real Life
RPG World
Sexy Losers (contains adult material so read it at your own risk)
Those are just the ones I routinely read. I have others bookmarked if anyone’s interested.
If your looking for new comics, this is a good site to start. Of course, threads like this help out a lot. There are literally hundreds of comics out there and many of them aren’t worth the time to read.
Hey, I LOVE those Piro rants… =p I’d visit the site just to read the rants… perhaps it’s kinda like proto-blogging, much like Tycho’s rants in Penny Arcade.
I have to say, though, if you don’t like manga-style art, you probably won’t find Megatokyo very interesting, and probably, it would help if you were a little knowledgeable about anime. I mean, the artist loves Dating Simulations, and he’s married.
As for my reccomendation, try Sluggy Freelance, he updates daily, too, which is a good thing. =) Start with the archives, though, because there is a LOT of backstory to each of the characters.
Well, ya see, the difference between the Tycho rants and the Piro rants … well, one has angst, and the other’s funny. I make it a point to read the Tycho rants. But on Megatokyo … well, I miss Largo.
And I would like to add my vote to Sluggy, as well.
The only comics I read with any regularity are Sexy Losers and Ghastly’s Ghastly Comic.
Neither are them are safe for work, kids, or Baptists.
Absolutely, positively Pathetic Geek Stories.
Whatever happened to Largo anyways?
Got any more recommendations, Tentacle old buddy?
Scary Go Round!
This is the best comic ever. I am totally addicted. It is usually updated around 11 PM eastern time US for the next day (since it is a UK comic) and I keep finding excuses to stay up and online till 11 so I can read it right away…I’m so impatient.
New one every Tuesday! You’re gonna wet your pants laughing!
Very cute comic, no satire, cynicism, irony, political subtext, just cute.
Another fan here - reminds me of my friends. Only less nasty.
Kevin and Kell slightly edges out Sluggy Freelance for me, with Sinfest a respectable third.
Let’s see PvP, Soap on a Rope, and I don’t think anyone’s mentioned Red Meat by Max Cannon. It’s hit and miss, but man sometimes he really nails a joke. Funny shit, and probably shouldn’t be viewed by children.