Fear the Walking Dead: 2.07 "Shiva" (open spoilers)

Well, you got to admit crazy bitch walked the walk. When she got locked in with the zombies, she was beatific as all kinds of get-out. But then we never actually did see her zombified later. Nor did we actually see Daniel burn up. He might have teleported to safety the way Strand apparently teleported back inside the gate with the truck.

Yeah, thanks, I knew the history. It’s what made him a complex and interesting character. My point is that it was ancient history that he has lived with for decades. I’m not surprised that he has demons. I’m surprised that they came to the surface, distorted his reality, and finally cost him his life. Why now? Strange that the shade of his wife, hounding him with guilt at abandoning her unburied corpse, caused him to abandon his very much alive daughter, the apple of his eye and the object of all his previous protective energies, to a lonely fate among evil strangers and monsters. And without even a roof over her head. If indeed, she could escape the fire herself. That just isn’t very Daniel-like.

So, like everything else about this series, this rattles my suspension of disbelief and draws my attention out of the story and into annoyance at the poor quality of the writing.

It is a shame to lose Daniel. He did start one hell of a fire.

I wonder if there were contract issues with RB or if he had some other commitments so they had to kill off his character.

I’m gonna hope it was contract conflicts and not the writers trying to be “edgy” by killing off a complex and understandable (until the end anyway) character.

My guess was that the writers realized, oh shit, we forgot to make it seem like anybody could die at any time!

Gale Ann Hurd said on The Talking Dead that we didn’t see Daniel die, and that as far as she and the writers are concerned he’s not dead.


He hid under a dumpster, obviously.

They also didn’t have him on the ‘In Memoriam’ segment.

Of course this is the most direct answer I’ve heard to whether someone is dead from any cast or crew that’s been on TTD. It seems less vague than the ‘Glenn returning “in some form”’ answer from last year. Begore hearing Gale Ann Hurd’s answer, I thought that since we didn’t see Daniel die, he’s not dead. After hearing her answer, I wondered if she was misdirecting and he did die. I think Daniel escaped the fire because there’s no reason to kill him and there are reasons to keep him, plus he’s a ‘fan favourite’ and probably wouldn’t be croaked mid-season. But Hurd’s answer seemed to direct and makes planted a doubt. :stuck_out_tongue:

Whatever happened to Junkie Kid’s addiction? Did they resolve that and I just missed it? I don’t remember any period of withdrawal symptoms and him just toughing it out to the other side.
It was a big feature in the first season that he had to have his stuff, would do anything to get his stuff, and his mom would help him get his stuff. Now he’s just clean as a whistle and enjoying his pesole without any thought of getting drugs.

He was sick as a dog in some of the first few episodes of the 1st season. Throw-up bucket provide by sis.

The preview teaser for the next episodeshows him appearing to score drugs.

We also saw him rummaging around the medicine cabinet of that family on the island a couple episodes ago.

Of course!
Brilliant writing!

I’ve tried to ignore it but those unreadable subtitles are really annoying. This show has spent dozens of dollars on CGI, FX, blood bags, and Nick the Junkie’s hair care products but they can’t provide subtitles in contrasting colors from the background.

Fix the subtitles or speak Engrish, damn it. ( :slight_smile: )

Good points about Daniel! Sadly symptomatic of the lack of creativity the writers show if everything – from disastrous breakups at season finales and drama over walkers kept as pets to miraculous survivals of important characters – is just recycled plot points from TWD.

They were better than the English. What sort of problem did you have?

Don’t know about the comments above about him not being dead, well have to see, but I think seeing all the zombies is what set off his psychological trigger.

(Underline added)

Because of the color contrasts, or lack of sufficient contrast, the words were difficult/impossible to read the 1st time they appeared on screen. Do I rewind now, or wait for a scene change, in order to keep up with the storyline?

It’s only a ZA soap opera, and I can overlook most of the implausible storylines/characters/situations, but I’d really like to understand the dialogue. I’d like to think that the production company would want the viewers see what the actors are saying. Simply providing a block behind the letters during post production/editing would help.