Febrantary (February Minirants)

February is the shortest month but often seems like the longest.

And how do you know what my reaction is? I’m not staring down people. If I notice someone watching me I keep looking around. If the person is still looking at me when I get back I keep him in my field of view.
I don’t try to stab him with my eyes. I don’t walk up to them to ask what the fuck, I keep going where I’m going. I don’t initiate contact. I’m perfect willing to leave people alone if they leave me alone.

Cephalexin burps.

'nuff said:eek:

When I first moved to Arizona, I was amazed that people would put their brakes on for school zones. They would be zooming around at 10 to 20 miles over the speed limit in rush hour traffic but would slam their brakes on when passing a school zone.

At first, I thought they were being semi-responsible drivers…then I learned that cops LOVED to hang around in school zones the first thing in the morning.

I have NO idea what you are suffering and I’m happy that I don’t. I am sorry for you, however.

My rant: A tree jumped in front of my car and I hit it. That’s honestly what happened, and there were witnesses! And a police report that says that the tree just jumped out in front of me and it wasn’t my fault!!!

My husband was disappointed that he didn’t get to call it in to our insurance because of the entertainment value. Too bad, Bill. That’s what you get for hanging out in the happening place of BFOklahoma. I get to make the fun calls!!!

OK, the tree was unsecured in the back of a pick up truck and fell out in front of me. I like my version better.

I’m fine, my car has some damage but that’s what insurance is for. Hopefully the guy who got the ticket will learn to secure his load before he kills someone.

My cycle’s getting wonky in duration and general behavior, too, and we’re the same age. I share your wish to just be done with the whole painful icky mess.

I really hate that sensation, but what’s worse for me is standing up, coughing, or some such and feeling a gush.

I’m pretty sure one is the minimum. Certainly doesn’t seem to be an upper limit.

I hate driving behind loaded trucks - they are required to have a tarp over their load here, but there still seems to be a lot of crap flying off behind them. That doesn’t even take into account the rocks and mud flinging off their big tires at a high rate of speed!

Way back when, I was trying to get home and the road was blocked because someone had died. Someone with an unsecured load dropped a big rock. I saw the car. The rock went right through the windshield, killed the driver and then blew out the back window.

According to the news reports, the driver was following too close and it was all his fault.

Its not much better here in Houston.

I see a lot of drivers following too closely, and they do get into a lot of avoidable problems because of it, but I have a hard time pinning this one on the tailgater.

Keflex, one of the most VILE smelling drugs, is even worse after the capsule dissolves in your tummy.
I was once rear-ended by the van for the House of the Blind.

In my driveway.

My late fathers first words: “Did you check the driver?”:smack:

Ah yes, Word Salad. I got stuck behind her in line at Dollar General yesterday. I stopped in to pick up a couple of things and she was the first in the checkout line. She would not. stop. talking. She kept yapping on about face creams and Noxema and other nonsensical things. Then the satellite link for the card reader went down. The other person in the store, after about five minutes, finally had pity on the 7500 of us stuck in line behind Lady Yapsalot and opened up the second register. Turns out the card readers were well and truly down, so I just dumped my things on an endcap and left the store. Lady Yapsalot was *still *there, taking things out of her purchase so that she could pay cash. :smack:

It’s not often you get to witness every single one of a cashier’s worst nightmares coming true at the same time. If the lady behind the register suddenly decided to bludgeon Lady Yapsalot to death with the nonworking card reader, I would have provided her with every alibi I had available.

I had a doctor who wanted me to take fish oil capsules. She advised taking the capsule and then eating, as the food would help keep the burping and the back taste down. It worked, too. Maybe that would help with the Keflex?

I’m going to correct the next person that uses the word “Clerical” as a title all by itself.

“Yes, that request was made by Jenny, she’s a Clerical in Purchashing.”

No, she’s a fucking CLERK. Her job duties might be clerical in nature, but she’s not A clerical.

You might as well say “Bill, he’s a Training in the Education division”

“Angie is a Cooking in Food Service”

“Debra is an Accounting in Accounting”

See how dumb that sounds?

I’ve been asked “Do you have a sinus?” after a sneezing fit.

Can I have a single fucking six month period where something major doesn’t go wrong with cesspool of a house? And where some smug fucking tradesman doesn’t come in my house and tell me that it’s going to cost a lot more than I thought? It was the boiler this fall. The fucking boiler fell apart after only eight years and the fucking assholes who sold it to use basically told us we were shit out of luck. Five thousand dollars just so we don’t freeze to death.

This weekend it was the fucking hot water heater. Over eight hundred to replace and now the fucking idiotic standing in my living room from Home Depot now tells me another $400 to install on top of that! Just once I would like a tradesperson to come to my house, do his fucking job, install or fix something in my house and not hand me another ginormous bill.


Holy crap!! $400 to install a water heater in an existing installation. WTF! I could maybe understand if he had to run all new piping and stuff, but just to do a swap?

BTW, ‘idiotic’ what. You forgot a word and I suspect it was a good one. :smiley:

I told him to fuck off and threw him out of my house.


This is ridiculous. My husband told me they said it would be a one hundred dollar installation fee so he’s fully backing me up here.

Home Depot uses subcontractors for a lot of those things…I wonder if he was trying to weasel in an extra couple hundred bucks on top of the price HD usually pays.

I might give HD a call and as them if he’s on the up-and-up.

I can’t say it was his fault, but I try not to drive behind amateur loads ever since a pickup in front of me, and which I thought was well in front of me, had two full-sized mattresses and a box springs (3 out of 5) come sailing out to land in the lane in front of me and the lanes to the left and right.

There was no way to stop in time at freeway speeds. I thought I was about to find out what happens when you hit a mattress at high speeds, but there was a semi in the lane to the right. It was slightly ahead of me and the mattress in my lane had a corner in his lane, too. His tire hit it and the corner compressed. As his tire left it, it flipped like a tiddly-wink and landed in the lane to the left of me.

Saved. He also hit the box springs and left kindling behind. Things slowed to a stop behind us. I have trouble trusting even tied down loads, now. People just don’t realize what the wind of highway speeds will do to their load. Mattresses fly like frisbies.

Idiotic “plumbing” would be my guess…
