Fellow choristers, I'm a sinner.

I’m at home, surfin’ da web and postin’ da boards instead of attending choir practice like a good little Methodist.

Can I say that every once in a while, everything within me rebels against routine, goodness, and righteousness?


Want some Moose Tracks ice cream?

Howdy Milo! Send some over dis way, my friend!

** Canthearya ** I am shocked, yea shocked. I didn’t even know you were in the choir. :wink:

So how you been ? Good to see you.


Every time I see your name, that song by Another Bad Creation (I think it was them) goes through my head… <singing>Ayeeee-sha…</singing>

I’m doing okay - you?

The tenor of the “confession” simply didn’t have strike a chord with me. But maybe skipping practice is simply a sensitive aria for me and I’m blowing it all out of scale

jayjay :slight_smile:

I’m doing great , see for yourself. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=82072

I still bless you for the stamps btw. Glad you are doing well. I’m going to have to listen to that song on of these days.

This is what happens when you compose as you type…


So glad to hear you’re doing well, my little friend… Are you taking advantage of the “flirt all you want with hot male dopers” clause of the contract?

You and me gotta meet one of these days and terrorize a few men with our wily charms. Knowhutumsayin’?

jayjay, you are sil-lay.

Oh yeah, I’m almost back to my old flirt any time in thread self. :smiley:

We will have to meet, maybe at a huge DopeFest and make all the men wear kilts, that will be fun.

Woo and hoo on that one, girlfriend.

Please add the following dopers to your invitation list:

UncleBeer, Doper love of my life.
Ukelele Ike, powerful Manhattan Doper dude.
Coldfire, lusty Netherland lad.
Alphagene, because I like to be mocked.

I meant Ukulele Ike.

My real name is never spelled correctly and rarely pronounced correctly, so I’m kinda anal about that stuff.

Uke, my apologies.