Fellow Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction geeks, little help, please

Last night I was playing a game on U.S East with my L 18 Pally. I’ve already done the entire game on normal with a party, but we had skipped the Mt. Arerat summet quest with the 3 Barbs. I figured I’d give it a try, and after much work ( it is the hardest quest save Baal ), beat all 3 of them only to be told “You cannot complete this quest in this game”. Huh? I was sure I had the quest.

So, I started another game and made sure I got the quest from the head barbarian in town. I went back to the mountain, checked-yep, got the quest, went to work. At one point I had to TP back to town, the quest even told me when I got back that I had to defeat all 3 without leaving the summet. I FINALLY did-no easy task that, it took some time- and got the same message “You cannaot complete this quest in this game”


Anyone have any idea what’s going on?

Yup. You’re too big for your britches. You have to be level 20 to complete Quest Five in Act V on normal. Level 40 for NM, and level 60 for hell.

My God, 18th level? Usually, I’m around l45 when I get around to completing Normal…of course, I’m addicted to playing at players 8, and that helps, but still…

Thanks! And…
That’s just not fair! I killed Diablo solo at L16, if I can do it, I should get the credit!


It wasn’t easy, mind you, but it can be done. I did truck about 30 red pots up the mountain with me, plus the ones in my belt, but I got all 3 of them…TWICE!

By ‘killed Diablo solo at L16,’ I assume you DON’T mean you worked your way all the way through all four acts, all the quests, all the maps, and was only L16 when you killed Diablo, right? I usually get up to about L25 on single player, about L45 if I set it to eight player and go for that good resistance training…

No, as I said, I had already finished normal as part of a party, but I am now working my way back through the stuff I missed or doing stuff again solo. I went back and cleared the Chaos Sanctuary and killed D with just my Ice Iron Wolf Merc for company.

I’m still quite impressed you did it at level 18!

Well, done!

We’ll get to you level 20 and take them on again. :wink:

What they said. You gotta be a lvl 20 for normal, 40 for nightmare and 60 for Hell (if you even go for it. Most people I know just sit in cows and try not to die. It’s a more surefire way to get the experience because the ancients in Hell are lvl 90 characters).

Dave, just out of curiousity (and it is completely irrelevent to your question), do you play Open or Closed Bnet?

Oh, and for leveling I’d suggest doing either arcane runs or (if your char is up to it, and he seems to be) blood runs. I was averaging one lvl a run in the bloody foothills with my barbarian from levels 26 to about 33, when it stopped being worth it (cows and ball runs produced more loot and such).

Be prepared for the new patch (1.10). It supposedly is going to stick random bosses in act 5 to make blood runs harder and they’re trying to do something about multiple cow runs.

The patch (at last word) is supposed to be coming out late this month or early next month (of course this is the latest, who knows when it will actually be out.

Hey, all that means is there will be more folks to get drops from:)

And that new patch will be out in late August at the VERY earliest. Blizzard people who used to futz around with D2XP are now working on Warcraft 3.

The only way I can see them making act 5 BRs substantially more difficult is either to give them immunities or give, like, Shenk conviction or holy shock and pump it up to lvl 15 or so and make it spread as far out as thorns. Then you’d really have to have something doing a lot of cold damage (and if they were immune to cold it would be REALLY tough). I have a druid tank (lvl 91, uses IK maul) who’s died against Conviction-auraed bosses in nightmare.

Hey, all that means is there will be more folks to get drops from:)

And that new patch will be out in late August at the VERY earliest. Blizzard people who used to futz around with D2XP are now working on Warcraft 3.

The only way I can see them making act 5 BRs substantially more difficult is either to give them immunities or give, like, Shenk conviction or holy shock and pump it up to lvl 15 or so and make it spread as far out as thorns. Then you’d really have to have something doing a lot of cold damage (and if they were immune to cold it would be REALLY tough). I have a druid tank (lvl 91, uses IK maul) who’s died against Conviction-auraed bosses in nightmare.

Hey, all that means is there will be more folks to get drops from:)

And that new patch will be out in late August at the VERY earliest. Blizzard people who used to futz around with D2XP are now working on Warcraft 3.

The only way I can see them making act 5 BRs substantially more difficult is either to give them immunities or give, like, Shenk conviction or holy shock and pump it up to lvl 15 or so and make it spread as far out as thorns. Then you’d really have to have something doing a lot of cold damage (and if they were immune to cold it would be REALLY tough). I have a druid tank (lvl 91, uses IK maul) who’s died against Conviction-auraed bosses in nightmare.

Hey, all that means is there will be more folks to get drops from:)

And that new patch will be out in late August at the VERY earliest. Blizzard people who used to futz around with D2XP are now working on Warcraft 3.

The only way I can see them making act 5 BRs substantially more difficult is either to give them immunities or give, like, Shenk conviction or holy shock and pump it up to lvl 15 or so and make it spread as far out as thorns. Then you’d really have to have something doing a lot of cold damage (and if they were immune to cold it would be REALLY tough). I have a druid tank (lvl 91, uses IK maul) who’s died against Conviction-auraed bosses in nightmare.

Seriously, Pat, what do you think that means?

And I play on U.S. East, see the OP.

Oh good grief. The server must have had sex with my post and made four post babies.

FWIW, there’s (I thought…) Closed USEast and Open USEast. There’s, ah, considerably more hacking done on Open than Closed (but with these new occulus rings…). Also you can play a closed bnet char on any machine, whereas an Open char is on your hard drive. If you played on closed, I have several chars who can help you out or play with you (I’m working on a lvl 17 sorc right now, who has 3/4 of the arcanna set and has The Salamander, the Skull Collector, a Memory staff, several +skill amulets, 2 SOJ and Que-Hegan’s waiting for her).

Where the hell are you guys finding the SOJ’s? I haven’t come up with even one yet, and my amazon’s at lvl 74, the sorceress is lvl 43, and the assassin’s lvl 31…

Unless it’s because I bought the line from Blizzard that the 1.09 patch made them unavailable gambling anymore…and they really are…

tisiphone, there was a huge bout of duping on the realms a few months back, plus the amount of SOJs that were imported from D2C, that put an obscene amount of them in the market. Since they are the defacto currency, you can get SOJs by hitting the trading forums and an inventory full of chipped gems.

Thanks, Munch.I’ve watched the trade forums for a while, and still have no sense of what stuff’s worth. Gamewise, anyways…I am not one of those idiots who pay real money for virtual items. I’ve also been a little leery of getting landed with a duped item and having Blizzard whap me for it.

So I’m paranoid…after watching my son get hacked to a faretheewell, I think some of my paranoia is justified. But I’ll give it a shot now, for sure!

I got mine by trading a 7%smfc (the largest magic find available on a small charm) for two of them. They may well be duped, I dunno. But the thing is that it’s just a game:) It’s not like I’ll get a limb chopped off if I’m found to have a dupe or two (I don’t dupe, FWIW).

However, for all their “Don’t you DARE DUPE OR MESS WITH THE GAME!” shouts, Blizzard seems to be almost doing nothing about cheating. In almost every game I’ve played, including all but two poweracts, someone had maphack and in a good portion someone had auto-grab. People actually advertise hacks and cheats in the chat rooms.

And FWIW, I have yet to find a unique while gambling in 1.09. +2 to skill trees? Hell yeah. Even a couple +3s, including a coronet with +3 summoning (necro). And life leech and mf rings so much that I have 2 ring mules (though to be fair they also carry some charms and amulets).

Anyone need a 6% lifeleech ring or a +1 sorc skills amulet?:wink:

[sub]Seriously. Two mules full, or virtually, and a third with some pretty solid gear. And if you need runes … whoboy.[/sub]