Are there any school mascots that are clearly female?
It seems to me of all the schools I know of, college and high school, I can only think of one that was truly a female figure. Henryetta High School in Henryetta, OK had as its mascot the hen. They were the Henryetta Hens named after the Disney cartoon character. They changed it in the ‘70s as I remember because the boys’ teams kept being kidded about being the “Hens”. The girls’ teams, it might be noted, were called the “Lady Hens” (talk about the height of redundency).
And when your citing your examples, let’s not count things like “Lady Warriors” or “Lady Buffs”. Also I am talking school not team. I believe the women’s teams at University of Wyoming are called the “Cowgirls” but the macot for the school is still the “Cowboy”.
I might mention there is a school in the Texas Panhandle where the mascot is the “wolf” but the girls teams are wolverines (who knew a wolverine was the distaff side of the wolf family?)
I thought maybe all-girl schools or schools named after women might have female mascots. Any help?
I thought maybe you meant the fuzzy-suited mascot character, who bounces around during games. Many of those have young women inside. That wolves/wolverines thing stands on its own. Nothing I could say would make it any more absurd.
North Carolina State typically brings both a female and male mascot to games. The male looks like a fop, and the female like and dog version of Minnie Mouse. I can find plenty of pictures of the male mascot, but none of the female in a quick search. On this page I found the following:
. So still not a single female mascot, but an official female mascot in some capacity.
I just remembered, Purdue Universtity’s Purdue Pete® character had a female counterpart for a year or two. She was called Purdue Patty, or some such. It just wasn’t a good idea. Purdue Pete has changed a wee bit over the years. He used to wear something that looks like one of those folded-paper printer’s hats. Now he wears a hardhat. Some have speculated that Pete’s face has been gradually changed to more closely resemble the square-jawed basketball coach, Gene Keady.
The Purdue teams are the Boilermakers and the Lady Boilers. Pete himself is a boilermaker, of course, but I don’t think his mug has ever been on the uniforms.
When it comes to women’s colleges, some of the most famous ones don’t have mascots at all. I think several of the Seven Sisters are mascotless.
Of smaller women’s colleges with mascots that I can recall offhand, Sweet Briar has “The Vixens”, obviously feminine. Mary Baldwin College has “The Squirrels”, which is gender-neutral, but I believe their particular squirrel is meant to be female. Randolph-Macon Woman’s College has “The Wildcats”, which is also gender-neutral, but the mascot is known as “Wanda the Wildcat”.
I went to Texas A&M, and the mascot situation there is a little fuzzy.
We are known as the ‘Aggies’ because the A in A&M stands for Agricultural. Some of our spirit yells still refer to Aggies as “Farmers.”
One of the most popular logos or symbols found on A&M merchandise is “Sarge.” Sarge is like a cartoon drawing of a military drill instructor (representing A&M’s past as a military institution and the continuing presence of the Corp of Cadets as a major institution on campus.) The Sarge logo is all over the place, but, AFAIK, there has never been a Sarge mascot costume. (We’ve got the real cadets for that).
Finally, the official mascot of Texas A&M is the dog Reveille. Reveille is a Collie, is considered the highest ranking member of the Corp, and is always a female.
Freddie was introduced in 1950, and the female version of the mascot got her start in 1966 as Mrs. Freddie Falcon. Since then she’s morphed into Frieda, Freddie’s little sister (weird, I know), and the student inside the suit is female (Mrs. Freddie’s costume was piloted by a male cheerleader).
At the all-female academy I used to work at, the mascot was a jaguar, so gender neutral there.
Still they are the “Orangemen”. And when the women of A&M, Purdue or Bowling Green play, I will be willing to bet that they are the “Lady Aggies”, “Lady Falcons” or “Lady Boilers” (now that sounds like a 1950s housewife, “isn’t that cute she can boil things”), which to me (on all of those) says the real mascots are not so gender neutral however many skirts one may put on last year’s male mascot.
This is sort of sounding like a rant, sorry. I was just looking for female mascots.
Now the “Belles” of St. Marys and “The Blue Hens,” they are clearly female mascots.
I was a sportswriter in a community where the high school mascot was the Grizzlies whether the individual competiting was male or female. If I ever called a team or an individual the Lady Grizzlies or a Lady Grizzly in a sports story, headline or cutline, I could expect a call from the elderly superintendent of schools who would point out that Joannie Jensen had as much right to be a Grizzly without a prefix added to it as Steve Jensen did.
They’re not a school mascot, but the mascots for the Staten Island Yankees (Single A affiliate of the New York team) are Scooter the Holy Cow and her colleagues Red and Huckleberry.
And I notice that the male version has a football jersey on and the female has a cheerleader’s uniform on. Why do I think the position will not be reversed during women’s volleyball games?
Still, I will say the mascot is the Bruin and when the mascot appears on the cover of the University’s PR package it will have one bear and that one will not have a dress on.
The University of Alberta mascots are the Golden Bears (mens teams) and the Pandas (womens teams). They have their own logos and mascots - the logos can be found on this page (about one-quarter of the way down the page).