Fenris : Where's My Damn Cookie?

Fenris :

In this thread you stated :

to which I promptly and with a minimum of fanfare replied :

I’ve been waiting patiently. No, that’s not correct. I’ve been sitting here for days waiting. Just staring at the computer, refusing to eat, shave, go to work, or perform any of the activities that might be required of a normally functioning life. The neighbors are staring to worry. The cats are packing their suitcases. Even the cockroaches are looking around for more suitable surroundings. And I believe I’m starting to crack.


C’mon … just one … just one little cookie. I promise … I’ll be good. It doesn’t even have to be an Oreo. Maybe just a Chips Ahoy that fell behind the refrigerator a few years ago. That’d do. Or a Lorna Doone. Yeah, that’s it. A Lorna Doone. No one likes Lorna Doones anyway.

You bastard … cough it up!

::gives Euty her “cookie”::


I got yer cookies hangin’, man! Right here! Right here!


Every time I give blood, I eat Lorna Doone’s and Tang.
I like them.

Cookies are one of the things I make for a living. The cafe where I bake has two monster cookies, chocolate chip, and oatmeal with cranberry raisins. These suckers are 4 1/2 ounces each(125 mg) Send me the word and I’ll send you a cookie to remember.

I prefer to put these together in a blender, to make my favorite concoction:

Doone Tang.

A) Sorry, Euty, but that’s not the answer I was looking for.


B) Since you’re such a great mod and a pal, I’ll give you a cookie in any case.


As I have no idea why this was on my system, I have no qualms about giving it to you. Simply paste it into notepad, and save it in your c:\windows\cookies directory as “(your name)@baylortomlandryfitnesscenter.txt” and you’ll have your very own cookie.

*note the “Mind the oranges, Marlon” phrase came from a psychotic comic called “D.R. and Quinch” by Alan Moore and Alan Davis.

Gasp! Choke! <wipe wipe wipe>

Goddammit. I SO did not see that one coming. Scared the cats right out of the room.

Ah, bummer. Here, Euty, since I don’t have your IRL addy I can’t send you any cookies but here’s a great cookie recipe:


2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup butter or oleo
1/2 cup milk

Stirring constantly, bring to a full boil over medium-high heat. Boil 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in:

3 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 t vanilla (optional)

Stir well and drop by spoonfuls onto wax paper. Should set within a few minutes. Enjoy!

Humidity can affect the boiling time. Adjust accordingly; it is ready to remove from heat when it reaches the soft-candy temp on a candy thermometer or when it forms a soft ball when dribbled into a glass of water.

dob, who hasn’t had fudgies in too long a time and may soon head to the kitchen [sub]I don’t cook much now that the kids are gone[/sub]