Fictional characters you have encountered

Oh! I knew someone who looked a lot like Jasmine from Aladdin. In fact, we once had a play where there was a Fancy Dress scene, and she dressed as Jasmine, and it was uncanny!

Well, my 5th grade teacher was Frankenstein’s Monster. He’s got the build for it and plays up to the look. For Carnaval, all he does is stick a couple boltheads on his neck.

And I’ve met that American Guy Who Lives From Day To Day and the American Guy Who’s In So Much Debt You Wouldn’t Believe It (those two archetypes seem unbelievable to most Europeans), and the #2-guy from Thesis (the one that freaks her out but which is actually the good guy).

So, how does one go about getting you to introduce me to her?

I saw a leprechaun once, if that counts, but apart from that I’m coming up dry.

If anyone ever wondered what happened to Beavis and Butthead, they are now middle aged and living in Haiti. One is an interpreter and the other is a photographer, and I had the ‘pleasure’ of working with them a couple of years ago.

A&S Comics in Teaneck, New Jersey is home to the Comic Book Guy.

I once worked with a guy who was, in look, voice, and personality, a dead ringer for Rom from Deep Space Nine. Fortunately, there was no Quark there to oppress him.

Then, at my next job, the big restaurant in town was “Rom’s”, so I know that he finally got out from under his brother and opened his own place.

I once had a project manager who could have been the stand-in for the villain Adelei Niska from Firefly. Not in attitude, thank goodness, but in accent and appearance. I halfway expected him to lean across a conference table and whisper, “My reputation for you is fact, is…solid.” Very creepy indeed.

I know of a girl who physically (and probably emotionally) reminds me of Brittany Spears. Walks like Brittany, has some of the same mannerisms as Brittany, sometimes dresses like Brittany, but unfortunately can’t sing/dance like Brittany and doesn’t nearly have the money Brittany has. Oh, and she has better taste in men than Brittany.

Nyeeessssss? :smiley:

I swear, on the telephone, famous physicist and opticist Emil Wolf (of Principles of Optics, AKA “Born and Wolf”, and editor of Progress in Optics. And (falsely) reputed to be Olivia Newton John’s Godfather) sounds exactly like Ludwig Von Drake.

Once, in a bar, I met Sebastian Flyght from Brideshead Revisited.

I was Young Rod Serling to everybody in the 10th grade. I had the pompadour, the eyebrows, the reedy, pregnant speaking voice, and the 50s suits (purchased out of thrift shops).

It got to the point where I once or twice stepped in front of a kid and do a teaser on him:
Kevin Kowalski. Preppy sophomore. About to enter what he thinks is an ordinary Latin II class. Little does he know that he’s just opened the door to…The Twilight Zone.

I swear my mother, who lives in the Bronx, channels Edith Bunker. She doesn’t look like her at all, but certainly could have inspired some of her dialogue.

I hung around with some people in high school who were identical in type to Hyde, Kelso, and Jackie from That 70s show, and possibly a Donna but unfortunately no Eric.

I briefly dated a Clark Kent lookalike (Christopher Reeves version). In fact, the very first thing I said to him was, “You know who you look like?” and his answer was “Arrrgh!” because he was sick of people saying that to him all the time.

I used to work with Professor Umbridge. Same cutesy sweaters, same curly helmet hair, same sweet little oh-so-polite voice, same streak of pure malice running through her.

:smack: I thought I got Brian right. I knew I got Dorf wrong right after it was to late to edit.

I knew them all when I was at high school. Donna was A; attractive, but not a girly-girl, concerned with clothes and relationships, like Jackie (who was L). Hyde was R, convinced that “the man” was conspiring somehow against us and who knew where and how to get the best dope; Kelso was D (and Ashton Kutcher bears a striking resemblance to how I remember D’s looks in those days), not terribly bright, but convinced he could get by on his looks. Eric was another A, who actually did date the female A for a while (but not as long as Eric and Donna dated). And Fez was P–not an exchange student, but certainly a dark-skinned foreigner, who wasn’t always in tune with current local culture and mores.

We had a few more people in our circle of friends than the kids on the show did, so perhaps we also had a Buddy (who appeared in one episode and like our friend C who came out of the closet when he was 17, was gay). We certainly had a Big Rhonda–another L.

My high school years were also about the same as the time when the show was set, so much is familiar: we also hung out in a friend’s basement, we wore the same clothes, we drove a motley collection of secondhand beaters, and we spent our time trying to figure out how to score beer and/or concert tickets. For me, watching “That 70s Show” is like watching old home movies.

Oh, I met a Comic Book Guy once, but I think that’s the easiest one. I think Matt Groening once said that when someone tells him he based CBG on their local comic book guy, he replies that CBG is based on every comic book guy.

I once met Captain Jack Sparrow… but you probably want encounters not occurring whilst on drug trips.

Bilbo Baggins frequents the pub Mr. Bunny and I go to. Absolute spitting image of the guy in the movie, only dressed to the hilt in cowboy gear. I adore him.

Also, Homer Simpson is in Mr. Bunny’s bowling league. Fat, bald with the three or four hairs combed over, white shirt and blue pants. It’s uncanny.