Fictional characters you have encountered

At the same job, I worked with both the Ladies Man ( Tim Meadows’ character) AND Mr. Garrison from South Park. Their looks weren’t real close, only generally so, but their speaking voices were DEAD ON. The Mr/ Garrison-a-like was balding in his late 20’s. Ladies Man was mid-40’s.

I had a VERY difficult time speaking to either without laughing out loud, and I didn’t always stop myself from saying to my hand, “What do you think about that, Mr. Hat?”, after Mr. Garrison-a-like had turned and walked away. Not surprisingly, the Ladies Man gave herpes to a young lady we worked with, who had inexplicably pursued him relentlessly. :frowning:

She may actually be a real person, but Sue Johanson looks exactly like my mother-in-law!

“Honey, your mama is talking about vibrators on the TV again!” <cue mad giggling>

Once while traveling in the south of England, I found myself on a railway platform waiting for the next train, standing behind a bench on which two older ladies were sitting. From their conversation and accents, I was sure I had found the real-life Monty Python “Pepperpots.”

I hadn’t realized before how dead-on those sketches were, and I almost felt as if I had accidentally wandered into an old Monty Python episode.

My high school musical director was Ursula the Sea Witch, swear to Og. Same gravely voice, same ex-dancer (she was a Rockette) body gone to pot, same frighteningly melodious angry voice. She even called me “my sweet”!

11th grade US history teacher.
She was known system wide as “Miss Piggy”

I saw Gaius Baltar the other day. Don’t know him, though.

I refer to one of my co-workers as “Beetle Bailey” (not to anyone’s face of course), not because he looks like him, but because he acts like I imagine Beetle would if he was a cashier and not a buck private- he’s frequently late for work, and often leaves his register to go God knows where for prolonged periods of time.

My ex-MIL sounded exactly the snotty matriarch elephant in Disney’s Dumbo. Same fruity tones, same fake uppity accent, same obnoxious attitude. She looked more like Ursula the Seawitch, but denied ever knowing any Disney artists.

My father was a Marine. One of his friends in the corps was called “Beetle” because he looked just like the character, right down to the helmet over his eyes! My brother and I called him “Mister Beetle” for years without knowing that it wasn’t his real name. :slight_smile:

In college I lived in the same dorm as Christopher Reeve, and he did look like Clark Kent at the time . . . does that count?

I’d seen this kind of meek-looking businessman on the train, looking so very much like Ian Holm as Mr. Kurtzman in Brazil. I saw him on and off for months, then the next time I saw him on the train - he was in a policeman’s uniform and no longer resembled that character! :eek: I could still see a younger Ian Holm but it was closer to Ash in Alien, or something like that.

Assistant Band Director in the 11th grade, we called him “The Grinch”, because he looked pretty much like what the Grinch would look like, were he black and bald (it was all in the smile and the attitude).

Band director at my old high school in the 10th grade, OTOH, was short, skinny, and had a little tuft of facial hair on his chin. We called him “Shaggy”. :smiley:

I worked with Superman. Or at least, Superboy. Looked nothing like Christopher Reeve, but he had the same black hair, blue eyes, and farmboyish face. And his name was even Clark. He wore a tie with Supes’ symbol all over it.

And he was really nice, too.

That sounds awesome! Miss Piggy is something of a personal hero. :slight_smile:

I once went on a backpacking tour of Western Europe with a friend. Said friend brought along another person whom I never met before. No photos but I swear that person was Ned Flanders in flesh and blood. He wasn’t a Christian Fundamentalist (in fact, he wasn’t Christian at all), his skin wasn’t yellowish and he didn’t say “Hokely-dokely” but the glasses, the mustache, the voice :eek:

Plus, he never got angry at anything the whole trip. Nothing bothered him. Even when we got our pockets picked in Rome, he just chuckled.

Back in 1996, I was in an Oracle Forms course courtesy of my company (Oracle). In the same row, 2 seats over, was the living incarnation of Beavis from Beavis & Butthead.

He was an OK guy, but I sure felt sorry for him.

In a restaurant in Lafayette Louisiana I saw a woman who was a dead ringer for the woman in the Hamilton cartoons in the New Yorker. Sharp nose, nice body, an exact match!

Wow! But no. :slight_smile:

This is cracking me up.

This one reminded me of this guy I used to work with … he was Fox Mulder – he looked like him, and had a lot of Mulder mannerisms. Only, he was a dentist. So let’s say if Fox Mulder had decided to go to dental school instead of entering the FBI academy. That would be this guy. It was distracting during meetings.