I am trying to find a site that has a basic chart of average salaries and wages for different jobs. I’m not sure if one even exists, but I’m in the area of looking for a summer job so if I can find the type of job that requires little/no training that pays pretty good. So even if there isn’t any such place, I could still use some suggestions.
Well, you could always try the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They amass such data; whether they make it publicly available in a usable form is, of course, an entirely different matter. I think it would be on the Department of Labor website.
Have you tried temp agencies? My son got a well-above-minimum-wage job through one last summer.
I believe www.wetfeet.com gives you industry and job information including moving information under the career research section. Goodluck!.
Try this
Oh, and take one of these witcha: :rolleyes:
Really? Well, that’s news to me.
Oh look, banned already, what a suprise :rolleyes:
TaxGuy, are you saying the salaries listed there are overinflated? I knew I was underpaid but that website does correlate with other sites and my talks with others in my field.
I am in the process of compiling a list of these kind of reviews for my coworker and I (our dept.) to use as a gude for salary renegotiations. Our business has increased 50% with no additional help hired and we want to be compensated for it.