I’ve been watching Firefly obsessively for a while now. I’ve seen the whole thing three times in three months; just for grins and giggles I watched “The Train Job” twice the other night so I could hear the French and Spanish language tracks. (I like the guy who does Wash in Spanish. I think he “gets it.” Not a big fan of the French cast.)
There is so much in this show I don’t even know where to begin. There are countless tiny details, like the t-shirts Jayne wears or the little throughline about the compression coil; and there are huge, broad concepts behind the whole show. For example, I greatly enjoy watching the stories as, I guess, “pre-myths,” legends before all the rough edges get smoothed out and the characters are reduced to archetypes. (Would a legendary hero wince and say “ow” while the doctor stitches him up?) Plus, it’s great fun to watch how the show treats its landscapes, related to similar themes in classic Westerns.
Even the “lesser” episodes hold great rewards. “The Message” is generally considered to be the weakest of the installments, and yeah, the story is kind of herky-jerky here and there and could have used at least one more pass at the writing table. But c’mon, people, the Bermaga would sell the souls of their children and grandchildren for ten generations if it meant they got to have an episode half that good on Star Trek: Enterprise.
I find I can watch the episodes over and over: this time I just listen to the music, last time I just looked at all the costumes, and so on. Not sure what I’ll do next time, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.
Firefly is an embarrassment of riches, and if I ever meet the Fox execs who took it off the air, I’m going to introduce myself, and then kick them solidly in the nuts. I mean, how anybody could look at it and miss its quality and decide it wasn’t worth being on the air is just mystifying; the suits must be stupid in addition to being soulless. (And don’t give me the ratings bullshit. The network actively killed the show. Given proper promotion and a non-death timeslot, this would have been massive.)
(Speaking of the death timeslot, Tim Minear’s show The Inside, which sounds a lot like Alias, was going to be dumped on Fridays at 8pm, same place Firefly died, until they delayed everything to recast the pilot. Will they never learn?)
I think I’ll watch some more of it tonight.
Did I mention I was obsessed?
So, yeah, welcome to the fold. Always nice to see new fans.