Firefly themed Mafia Game off-Board

Hi all, a new mafia game is starting off board and is being hosted by Kat and myself.

If you are interested you can sign up for the game here.

It is being played on Idle Thoughts’s proboards site, we have played some other games there and it is a really great fun way to get into the mafia games. There are about 9 slots left and it would be really great to see some old players who haven’t been in for the last couple of rounds get in on the game, as well as getting some new people involved.

So if you are interested come on over.

And it’s my first time hosting, so you can have fun pointing and laughing if I screw something up! :smiley:

I’m off for a week’s holiday this coming Friday- when do you start?

We will be ready to start in about a week or so. Kat do you want to wait until M5 ends here or do you just want to get going once we are finished?

Well, I won’t be back online until the 17th, so much as I’d love to sign up, I’ll have to sit this one out. Dash it all.

Well if you want to watch we will be happy to pm you the password to the observation deck.

(I am thinking about having two, a perfect knowledge deck and a speculation without spoilers deck, only one will be password protected)

Why are these games called “Mafia” games?

Perhaps there will be a need for reserves?

I think of like this. You have a small community which contains one or more organised cliques with secret means of communication that are trying to take the place over and will stop at nothing to achieve their aims, up to and including cold-blooded murder. “Mafia” is simply a criminal gang that comes easily to mind.

The original flavor is that the mafia have invaded a small town, and the town fights back by lynching someone every day, while the mafia kills someone every night. Of course, you can apply any kind of flavor to it, but it’s still Mafia.

And while he is here, a big thank you to **JSexton ** and **sachertorte ** both for their help and advice in designing the game. We would not have been able to do this without them.

This is a good idea as it would allow people to come and watch who could sub in later without knowing all the details.

The forbidden thread for M5 being spoiler free was one of the reasons I could sub in later on.

Thanks! Part of the fun of modding for me is watching things unfold with perfect knowladge, but I know that people like to “play along at home” too. So I figured we could provide both this time.

I noticed that the original sign up thread has been moved, so anyone wishing to play should follow this link.

There are only three spots left, so sign up now! You don’t need to know anything about Firefly or Mafia, we’ll fill you in.


That sounds cool. If I weren’t playing, I’d want to both have perfect knowledge and “play along at home”, too. :wink: I guess I’ll just settle for having perfect knowledge? (No, that doesn’t mean to make me scum, again! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good points made by the Cow Man. Please follow the new link in the above post. And even if you know nothing about Firefly or Mafia, we would love to have you.

Also, any of the people who haven’t played in a while, we would love to have you.

Plus, if you sign up, I’ll give you a cookie.

I’ve already signed up. I believe that entitles me to three cookies. FedEx them please, I like 'em fresh.

Update, there are only two spots remaining, I’m pretty sure.

I haven’t played in a while … (I’ve already posted on the Firefly board).

edit : I think I may be the recent sign-up.

You are. I wondered who it was and went looking.