First Lotus leaf!

On Momo Botan in Central Arkansas.
The iris have been blooming for some time. Trillium and May Apples are going at it.
A small Sauromatum venosumis growing. I believe the parent’s died.

What’s up and growing in your garden?

Daffodils! I don’t have a garden myself, but there are yellow daffodils all over campus in Central PA and it’s making me happy.

Cool. Mrs. Plant saw a bear at her Father’s home in PA. :slight_smile:

Before last week’s blizzard drifted over five feet of snow over my flower beds, I had wild iris blades up about four inches.

The songbirds are back!

F**king nothing and I’m sick of it! “Snow possible Saturday,” said the radio announcer - bastard!

I am sooooo done with winter.

Everything! I have a flower garden and a vegetable garden, and both are green and growing. There are a few nice things about living in Florida. :wink:

The Trycyrtis have just popped up and have apparently been quite busy creating new plantlets over the winter. The saucer magnolia just took a break and so the means its neighbor the Chanomeles should take over. The plums and peaches are done and swelling with fruit but the pears are taking over duty. The Trilliums were great and the Loropetalums are pink. Quite frankly I am most excited about the Dixie reseeding clover under the orchard. I have grown many a plant but this was the most exciting alst year.

Daffodils and what I think will soon be tulips. This is our first spring in our house, and the previous owner was a great gardener, so I’m looking forward to seeing what I will undoubtedly kill with neglect over the next few years…