First mainstream movie to show a penis

This question arose while some friends and I were watching Color of Night, when suddenly and without warning, you see Bruce Willis’ pecker. Wine through the nose. Anyway, we started wondering what the first mainstream Hollywood movie was to show male full frontal nudity. I know you can briefly see Ahnold’s pecker at the beginning of Terminator, but there’s gotta be an older one than that. Someone else mentioned American Gigolo, but no one else had seen that to confirm.

Could another member possibly take hold of the job of pointing me in the right derection so I could poke around and maybe see what comes up? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ghost Story featured a completely gratuitous pecker (the best kind), but it certainly wasn’t the first- I just can’t think of any earlier “mainstream” examples right now.
What do you mean by mainstream? Non-porn? Because Pink Flamingos may fit yr criteria.

I would vote for A Clockwork Orange. When Malcolm McDowell is booked into prison, you can see part of his talleywhacker.

How about Monty Python’s Life of Brian?

Monty Python’s Life of Brian showed one, but it was after Ghost Story.

I definitely mean non-porn, of course. Backed by a major studio. A Clockwork Orange is a good one, but you kinda have to squint. Not like in Color of Night.

Slight Hijack - Ebert’s review of Color of Night is quite funny:

“There is, indeed, not much I can say about the rest of the movie without revealing plot points so subtle and cleverly concealed that they would come as astonishing surprises to Forrest Gump.”

I am fairly certain it is “Women in Love” with Alan Bates and Oliver Reed in 1969.

Any film before that where a penis is clearly seen is either an obscure, low budget exploitation flick, or some “ethnographic” nudity of tribesmen somewhere - in that case…probably 1898?

Er . . . Life of Brian was released in 1979, Ghost Story in 1981. We’re talking about the same Ghost Story, right, with Craig Wasson and Melvyn Douglas, et al.?

Well I remember seeing “The Groove Tube” in '72 where Buzzy Linhart let it all hang out.
According to his website:
“Buzzy also has many film acting credits, including being the first male to show full frontal nudity in a non-x-rated movie, as the hitchhiker in The Groove Tube (1972). He was also the music director for that film, which was the screen debut for Chevy Chase and Richard Belzer.”

Buzzy was quite the character. Check out his story and his music!

Let’s separate this into two questions:

  1. What was the first commercial, non-porno motion picture to show a man’s penis (excluding ethnographic films)?

Dante’s Inferno (Italy, 1912), in a far shot, showed nude males being led onto a boat on the river Styx.

Kameradschaft (Germany-France, 1931), in far shots, showed mine workers showering in the nude.
I Am Curious (Yellow)(Sweden, 1967), lead actor Vilgot Sjoman see nude several times, including closeups of his genitals. An international sensation. Released in the U.S. in 1969.

If… (UK, 1968). Revolt at a boy’s school. Two versions were filmed of a scene in which rule-breakers are forced to stand in cold showers. In the more explicit of the two, frontal nudity from actors Macolm McDowell, Guy Ross, and Richard Warwick.

Women in Love (UK, 1969). In this adaptation of D.H. Lawrence’s novel, famous nude wrestling scene with actors Alan Bates and Oliver Reed.

  1. What was the first commercial, non-porno Hollywood motion picture to show a man’s penis (excluding ethnographic films)?

Mom and Dad (1945). This independently made exploitation feature directed by Hollywood mainstay William Beaudine, about a teenage couple who get into “trouble”, includes documentary footage of a VD-ravaged penis.

Medium Cool (Paramount, 1969). Robert Forster has sexual romp through house with girlfriend, with casual frontal exposure.

Drive, He Said (Columbia, 1971). College rebel, played by Michael Margotta, runs across campus, then frees animals in biology lab, all while naked. Lengthy frontal nudity, directed by Jack Nicholson.

I believe the first commercial, non-porno movie to show an erect penis was Intimacy (2000), but I could be wrong.

In the Realm of the Senses (Ai no corrida) (Japan-France, 1976) had erections and much, much more, but was an “art” film, and played non-porno venues in the U.S. and elsewhere.

For the record, the first mainstream movie to feature a penis in a lead role was 1994’s Billy Madison. This after the dickhead in question had supporting roles in Shakes the Clown, Coneheads, and Airheads.

Well, well… Kameradschaft, indeed! :eek:


Ugh, The Color Of Night. Soooo many reasons that movie should be burned. . .

Speaking of I Am Curious (Yellow), you can see several scenes of the penis in question here:

This link will probably work only on Sunday, June 9.

Actually, I believe the first filmed shlong of a lead character came before that–we see all of Robin Williams in The Fisher King (1991). But–no close-ups. Thankfully.

Errr, I think that is a WHOOOSH, Ruffian.

Ruffian, don’t you get it, that was a joke, he was calling Adam Sandler a penis. You’ve taken him literally.

But in any case, did you not read my posting above. Lead characters were showing it all in 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971…

I strongly suspect that “Never Cry Wolf” (1983) is the first movie since the adoption of the current rating system in the United States to be rated PG (or GP, or M) which shows adult male full frontal nudity. The scene is fairly short, the man is not shown in close-up, and the scene is entirely non-sexual, but I was still surprised to see it.