Naturally, BUsh and co will appeal the ruling, but it appears that at least the beginning of accountability may be in the closer future - a judge has ruled that the visitor logs for the Pres and Vice Pres are, indeed, Secret Service records subject to the FOIA.
Not certain which of the various potential targets for such information will be the most productive - the original “who visited Cheney when he was forumlating the energy policy” or the ones mentioned in this article - visits by religious commentators, and/or Jack Abramhoff (aka Prisoner #… )
I’m a bit curious- What did former Presidents do? I’m sure they have all had guests they would rather the world not know about. I’m almost a bit glad that this is out in the open, at least.
I admit, I was there, but I didn’t have to sign anything. But that was back in the mid-'80’s, and I was with something like 20,000 Boy Scouts, and Fucking Regan had at least learned SOMETHING from the Nixon years…
There’ll probably be a lot of media flack about Cheney’s thrice-weekly meetings with Satan. But that’ll blow over when the Vice President explains they’re just getting together as old friends and never discuss official business.
The meeting with Abramof and the meeting with Cheney and the oil barons is the main source of contention. Cheney reportedly had some log pages destroyed. The judge who made the decision was appointed by Regan.They are supposed to be public info.