I just went bowling for the first time ever. I had, at no point in my life previous, ever conceived of myself as a bowler. I was ambivalent when the offer first came up - on one hand there’s the “dig me, I’m Stanley Kowalski”, on the other hand there was the chance to watch Jacqui’s tight, denim-encased butt from behind as she bowled. So I went bowling.
I bowled 110. And I enjoyed it. I have a little blister on my thumb, but what he hell, I’ll probably go again. And maybe Jacqui will wear a mini skirt that day.
My bowling league loved me because I suck so bad at bowling. I started out at a 60 and then went on to earn the “most improved” trophy with a 90! A beginner’s score of 110 is pretty damn good.
I was stolked when I bowled a 216 in my high school league. Today, i’m lucky to even break into triple digits! Congradulations on your great score! And don’t worry when your arm gets sore tomorrow…
110 is an excellent first time score. If you really enjoy it, get lessons, and learn to throw the ball properly. I used to be a relatively serious bowler (I was on the club team in college). Before lessons, I was the typical recreational bowler, averaging about 115, with a high game of 140. After instruction, getting a proper ball and learning to control hook, etc, I jumped to a 190 average with a 268 high game. I remember there was a time when I would get very upset when I wouldn’t have at least one game over 200.
I really need to get back on the lanes…I haven’t bowled in 3 years! The last time I had a large break, it didn’t take long to get back into form though…bowled in the 150s and 160s for a few games, before settling right back into the 180-200 groove.
That’s awesome! I’ll second the suggestions to take a couple of lessons. Give a little consideration to buying your own equipment, even if you’re going to go for fun. A lot of pro shops have a $100 package that includes a brand new balling ball, drilled to fit your hand, a bowling bag, and shoes. Most people that complain about only being able to bowl a couple of games before their hand or arm gets sore have this problem because they’re using “house” balls that don’t fit their hand properly. Even if you only go bowling once a month or so for fun, having your own bowling gear will dramatically increase your enjoyment of the game for a variety of reasons.
And if you’re really having fun, find a fun league to get started in. I made the mistake for many years of thinking that leagues were only for “serious” bowlers, but someone finally sucked me in. Fell in love with the game and now it is my passion, much to my wife’s chagrin.
Hmm, come to think of it, maybe you shouldn’t take this up too soon.
hehe…nobody’s as bad as I am though. I have been known to actually take out people in the crowd behind me, thus earning myself the nickname “Danger Bowler”.
I loved bowling, but I gave it up at the same time as golf because I used to get the scoring mixed up. I remember being stoked when I got an 86 then realising it was the wrong darn sport.
Seriously, I’m no good at, but it’s still great fun
I bowled for many years. When I came down with arthritis and had to quit, I was carrying a 202 average.
Even though I’ve been active in Taekwondo for almost all of the 19 some-odd years that it has been since I last bowled, when I dream about sporting activities, my bowling dreams outnumber the TKD dreams about 4 to 1.