Here’s some of my favourites:
Some Like it Hot
Sunset Boulevard
The Iron Giant
Here’s some of my favourites:
Some Like it Hot
Sunset Boulevard
The Iron Giant
Fight Club
Raising Arizona
Annie Hall
12 Angry Men
Big Lewboski
The Three Amigos
Apocalypse Now
…and I agree with spooje…Raising Arizona
All About Eve
The Lion in Winter
The Shawshank Redemption
I’m I think there are more, but it’s still too early in the morning for my brain to be fully functional.
Singin’ in the Rain
Shakespeare in Love
Galaxy Quest
That should have read: “I’m sure I think…” I wasn’t kidding about that not fully functional thing.
Amadeus (1984)
Full Metal Jacket
Dr. Strangelove
A Clockwork Orange
Requiem For a Dream
Girl on the Bridge
The Professional (Director’s Cut)
And, of course, Animal House
I have strange tastes in movies… (Just a disclaimer before I begin…)
Silence of the Lambs
The Shining
Storm of the Century
Fight Club
Keeping the Faith
Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Movie
Time After Time
All of Me
Pulp Fiction
American Psycho
How do we mean “Flawless”? Some of the movies named so far are GREAT movies, but have obvious flaws. It’s hard to overlook Matthew Modine’s stilted acting in “Full Metal Jacket,” to use an example, or the poorly timed, boring scenes between Butch and his moll in “Pulp Fiction.”
I’ve seen thousands of movies and the only truly flawless movies I can think of are
The Godfather
Schindler’s List
Raging Bull
The Searchers
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Back to the Future
That’s it. I can’t think of any other movie where there wasn’t at least one thing that was a little off.
Flawless overall? Acting, directiong, writing, costuming, art direction, etc.? Hmmm…these are mainly repeats, but I had to get my vote in.
-Already Said-
Shakespeare in Love
Shawshank Redemption
Silence of the Lambs
Iron Giant
Leaving Las Vegas
Young Frankenstein
The In-Laws
Anything by the Marx Brothers
Anything by Charlie Chaplin
Anything made in Hong Kong with Jackie Chan
The Man in the White Suit
Kind Hearts and Coronets
The Ladykillers
Most of Hitch’s stuff.
I would have to go with:
I’m amazed everytime i see it. every single scene is precisely crafted to provide energy and humor. i find added nuances with each additional viewing. to me, it’s as close to perfect as you can get.
Sliding Doors
Dr. Strangelove
I wouldn’t go so far as to call them flawless, but definitely ones that continually provide me with pleasure.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
True Romance
In the Mouth of Madness
Legends of the Fall {I’m a sap, I know}
Blue Velvet
Twin Peaks:Fire Walk With Me (definitely clashes with the series, but hot damn, what a flick)
Also Gone With The Wind and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.