Fleet Farm logo (what is it?)

What exactly is the Fleet Farm LOGO supposed to be? And what the heck is that horizontal half moon on the upper left of it. When I was a kid we always called the store Fleet AND Farm, thinking the logo was some demented
ampersand. But now that they advertise on TV the store is always called just Fleet Farm (no and between them). Anyone have any idea what that logo is supposed to be?

Looks like two stylized F’s to me.

Hmmmm:dubious: maybe. I can see how it could be.
But what the heck is that horizontal half moon on the left? :confused:

I could tell you – but then I’d have to kill you.


The round top of the “silo” peeking up behind the barn (the 2 F’s)?

As a former resident of “America’s Heartland” it is comforting to know that Mill’s Fleet Farm is still in business…

Agreed – the top of a barn, composed of two F’s, plus silo behind. Lousy logo, though – the half moon just floats there oddly.

Anyone know the difference between “Fleet Farm” and “Farm & Fleet”?
The story I hear is something to do with two brothers who split the buisiness, but I haven’t found any definite info.


I’m not sure what the logo means, but I have always affectionately called it Fart & Fleem. :smiley:

That’s what I always heard too.

As far as the logo being a barn with the half-moon thingy being a barn with a silo behind it. I could maybe buy that. But is there anything from Fleet Farm that would confirm this? They say nothing on any of the wb sites.

And if that IS what it is, it sucks. A logo shouldn’t leave your customers guessing.

Originally posted by pkbites

What? It seems that a logo only need be instantly recognizable. For example, take the Nike swoosh. What does that ‘mean’ other than ‘Nike brand’? If they get you to spend even a moment thinking about their company, the logo has done its job.

Speaking as a former Fleet Farm employee (“pumpkinhead”) from back in the day when $4.50/hr was a great wage, we understood that the half-circle was a silo dome. It was also self-evident that Farm & Fleet was the bastard stepchild Fleet Farm wannabe store for losers.

Semper Pumpkinhead!

Talk about fallic symbols!
I think their ad-mad just had a hard-on that day.