FLOWERS, WHEE!!! (part two)

Last summer I posted about the joy of planting flowers in my garden. Now, since I got a digital camera in January, I can share with you! I’m also including here the album I made of my cat Max because he’s just so damn fat and cute. :smiley: I hope other dopers have photos online of their gardens, too!

My Garden 1 (taken in late May)

My Garden 2 (taken today after adding more flowers yesterday)


Wow, the Lantana in My Garden 1 is stunning. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that flower before.

I am now very jealous. I am (finally!) moving from my apartment to a house next week–basically too late to start any plants. I will probably put some pots of violas around, in defiance. I am growing basil on my windowsill right now, though.

Oh. I haven’t heard of lantana because I’ve never lived in a climate zone it can survive. Pardon me while I sulk.

How beautiful!
You’ve done such a lovely job. :slight_smile:

kitty’s cute too.

Your cat has some serious mama hips. Never seen a cat with such a badonkadonk before.

P.S. I think the dahlia is my new favorite flower ever.

Don’t know where you live, Sattua. Here in Ohio, they’re sold as annuals. They don’t make it through the winter unless you have a greenhouse, but they are really nice all summer.