Foods That Make Your Pets Go Crazy?

I mean in a fun way.

I had me a cat when I was young, and for a treat I’d buy some cream, I mean actual real cream and give it to the cat.

The cat would lap it up then go crazy. She’d be jumping all around, doing roll over flips, and be very happy. She’d do similar things with catnip but capnip only lasted for about 5 minutes for her. The cream was good for at least a half hour of my amusement.

So do any of your pets (Dogs, Cats, etc) act up in a “good” way, when you give them special foods?

Dogs don’t seem to react to treats like some cats do. However,

We have discovered that all our dogs got nuts for our home-made liver treats. ( cubed beef liver dredged with garlic powder and dried in a low oven for 24 hours).

It makes them become unnaturally attentive. A great aid to training.

I have two labs…they go nuts for ice cubes. We have to call out a warning to anyone standing between the kitchen and the dogs before hitting the ice bucket. People have been nearly knocked over when the dogs hear the ice rattle.

My old lab would turn into a drool factory when popcorn was eaten in the house…bad enough that we would put a towel under his mouth while he sat patiently…waiting for that one dropped piece.

My parrot used to love popcorn. She learned to recognize the microwave and would bitch if Mommy dared eat popcorn in front of her without giving her some. I used to give her a bowlful.

Worse was when we used the microwave for something else!

I had a parakeet who loved potato chips. We had the snacks in a hallway closet and he learned to recognize the sound of the door being opened. Every time the door would open he went nuts, chirping loudly, flying out of his cage and doing circles around the room until he got his share.

My basset hound loves bread. Only food that makes her bray.

My two Chi-mix girls go apeshit for cat shit. I just came home and got attacked with shit-reeking kisses. Damn.

longPath, could you post instructions for them homemade liv-a-snaps?

Our dwarf hamsters went nuts for flaxseeds and/or yogurt (even better if mixed together). They would come running and lick it off our fingers.

Almost every cat I’ve ever had loved green olives. Better than catnip. And now, I’ve got one that loves popcorn.

Our ratties would do anything for a Cheerio, I swear. Those things were like rat crack. They were also crazy about popcorn.

Parker, one of 2 of my Feline Overlords, has no time for just about anything other than Purina Indoor Cat Formula.

He doesn’t like other cat food brands, wet or dry. He doesn’t like meat of any kind, or cheese, or even tuna. Don’t even bother with cat treats; his ears go back and he appears pained at the very notion that he would deign to eat them. Every brand I’ve ever tried.

But if you open a pint of ice-cream, or bring home an ice-cream sundae/shake, he appears immediately out of nowhere, paws on your leg, nose in your face, begging for a spoonful. He cries about it. He is willing to sacrifice his not-inconsequential dignity over it. He forgets everything but the fact that He Must Have Ice Cream.

Once it is offered to him on a spoon, he politely and rather daintily licks up every single drop.

But God help you if you forget to give him his share.

He will shun you for hours.

My dogs don’t get much in the way of human food. But, our male Boxer, Charlie, absolutely LOVES raw potatoes.

The funny thing is, he knows the sounds of us peeling. He’ll just appear out of no where and sit and wait, drooling like a fool.

Our female boxer likes raw carrots, but she doesn’t “go crazy” for them like Charlie does for the potatoes.

Here is how I do it:
Get beef liver. We buy it sliced because that’s mostly what the store sells. It would likely be cheaper if it were unsliced. We cut it into long strips in the order of 1/4 - 1/2" on a side. Putting it in the freezer for about 30 minutes prior to slicing really makes the job easier.

We buy garlic powder in bulk. it is really cheap. I suppose you could omit it, but the dogs seem to prefer it. Sprinkle liver strips liberally with garlic powder.

Put one oven rack in the lowest position and thereupon, place something to catch the drips, which will be many. I use an old cookie sheet lined with paper towel. Set oven to 150 to 180 degrees.

Bamboo kebab skewers are used to suspend the meat from the other rack placed in the top position. It can take from 12 to 24 hours to completely dry depending on how fine you slice it.

It breaks pretty easily when dry.

Have Fun! (and don’t be put off by the smell :eek: )

I have dog-sat my friend’s Yorkie several times, and although he is old and decrepit, he came alive if I got out the baby carrots, a piece of bread, or a slice of banana. He’d jump up pretty high, unable to contain himself.

Thanks longPath!

I have a vegetable cat. He loves any sort of green, leafy vegetable. He even has a special vocalization that is reserved for begging for veggies. It sounds like, “Mama!” He will also steal veggies off a plate or cutting board. Strangely, he hates the things cats are supposed to like. He won’t touch cat treats, chicken, or fish, raw or cooked.

I also had a vegetable greyhound whose favorite food was cucumbers. He knew the sound of cukes being sliced and would stand at the counter, nose under your arm and practically in your palm, until you offered him a piece.

Spotty McGotty love love love fresh prawns (shrimp).

When I unwrap them, he can hear it and baby elephants through the house to come get his share.

Though, yesterday the vet said he has “man boobs” so we are cutting his food right down.

Poor little chubby bubby.

With our chocolate lab it’s sausages - which he gets if they’re just a little bit too old for the human residents to eat. It’s especially funny if they’re still linked, the dog concertinas them into his mouth, so they’re all in there at once, then retires to his crate to spend some quality time with his meat. :stuck_out_tongue:

Our cat when we were growing up was a fiend for leftover cereal milk. He would insist on sitting on your shoulder whilst you ate your cereal, and once he’d decided you’d had quite enough he would reach past you and dip his paw in the bowl, or, if the spoon happened to be in reach he’d shove his face straight in that.

I have a cat named Jimmy. Now Jimmy is a girl, but the reason why is a long tale. Jimmy loves to cat around with toms if you know what I mean. Jimmy’s a queen among cats, and all the toms want her. They started to bring her dead mice to win her favors. I noticed one day that Jimmy was acting a bit peculiar. This was something I noticed occurring over the next couple months. She started to look a bit worn and ragged too, which I thought was queer. I figured out that her behavior changed every time the neighbor’s tom left her a mouse. She was hanging out with this Tom almost exclusively after another month. I called the police last week. The police raided the neighbor’s house yesterday. Tom has been taken to the animal shelter. Maybe now that the tom is gone, Jimmy will get better, because those mice were tainted. All I can say is that my Jimmy crack whore is back and I don’t care the tom is gone away.

My rabbit goes nuts for yogurt and bread. When we had to give him medicine, I suffered many scrapes and bites, trying to get him to take it. The vet told me to feed him yogurt through the same syringe so he’d associate it with something pleasant. Well, he loved the yogurt. And he’d get really pissed if I gave him the syringe and it didn’t have yogurt in it.
As for bread, he loves just plain white bread.

He hates carrots.