I will answer Question 0: Is abortion “bad”?
My personal viewpoint, based on my limited studies of the biological sciences, is that a newly fertilized embryo is not conscious/self-aware and is therefore not yet human life and may be aborted. I don’t know enough about the biological specifics to give you a timeframe, so I’ll say “as early as possible”.
There are so many eggs and sperm, also, in people who are physically able to reproduce, that I don’t feel as though a fetus aborted at that point in time is a life lost.
Also, every time you flick your index finger forcibly with your thumb you “abort” the cellular equivalent of up to 300 embryos. The fact that those cells got two sets of chromosomes each and became parts of fingers or fingernails, rather than getting one set and becoming a sperma or an egg, is irrelevant in my mind.
This may come as a surprise, but my biggest reason for being pro-choice–which weighs far heavier in my mind than those given above–comes from my personal moral code, which states that bringing a child into a terrible situation is the Wrong Thing. I define a “terrible situation” as one in which the child does not have the opportunities for success that he/she deserves. Example: I am a broke-ass college student who is an American citizen. I’m currently participating, therefore, in a gradual process that will eventually make me a person with the means to support a family and give my children (should I choose, or otherwise happen, to have them) their deserved opportunities to succeed. I believe it’s far more just for a child of mine to be born then, where he/she can grow up to be whatever they want to be, than now where the child will have a miserable existence and, for that matter, so will I and the mother. Having a child right now would likely destroy (or at least severely hamper) my ability to provide opportunities in the future for later children, which in my mind is a crime against the child now, the later children, myself and the mother. In my mind, abortion is therefore the most just and moral thing to do for a child I might father in my present situation. But adoption is also a viable option, because the child can go to a married couple in a good situation who have (a) love for a child and (b) the means to support a child but do not have © the ability to have their own children. My child would be a wonderful gift to a couple like that, and the opportunity to grow up in that family would be a wonderful gift to my child, and also the opportunity to focus on our personal goals would be a wonderful gift to myself and the mother.
And by the way–whether or not abortion were legal, mothers who desperately want/need to abort will find a way to do it. And if it were illegal, they’d have to go on the black market to do it. I’ve heard horror stories about such procedures in Mexico, where abortion is (was?) illegal; the mother dies, and the doctor has to hide the mother’s body and flee. I don’t see how it would be different here.