For those who remember my last threads in this board

Hi, I just thought I’d let you all know that I’ve started a relationship with a normal (if somewhat shy) girl who is just about my age (we’re 16 and 18), whose family likes me, and who gets along with me well. We’re taking it nice and slow, not rushing anything, and I think this time I’ve got this whole “date someone who’s good for me” thing down.

Just wanted to share. :slight_smile:

Well congratulations on some sound life choices then!

Always happy to hear that things are getting rosier for Dopers.

Thanks for sharing!


Going to put this in MPSIMS for you since it fits in a bit better there.

Ah, thanks. Wasn’t sure where to put it. :slight_smile:


Yeah, that kind of sums up everything we know about you.

Ow! My eye!

…Walked right into that one, didn’t I?