There’s a bunch of countries I think I could live in.
Australia. No worries, mate! I have a friend who said he’d give me a job. Victoria Bitter, sexy girls and about a million miles of beaches. I am actually thinking about it, but not too seriously.
**New Zealand. ** All types of crazy different geography. Cool people and no liability stupidity like America. It’d be kind of hard to get a job, so I’d have to open a bar or a hamburger stand (or have the best taco stand in all of NZ!). I’d have to buy a sailboat if I lived there, but that’s not a problem.
Ireland. A bit too rainy but I love the country. Guinness, Irish whiskey, and Irish music!
England. I’d like to live in London even though it’s ridiculously expensive. Somewhere near a tube stop. Always a ton of stuff to do and you’ll never see everything.
Canada. Hey, it’s just like America but not warmongering. It’s way too cold for me, but I think I could survive in BC. I really like Vancouver Island and Victoria.
Spain. Yikes, my Spanish sucks but there might be a chance if I was completely immersed in the culture. Nice and warm on the Spanish Riviera. Barcelona is one of my favorite cities on the planet but I’d rather learn Castilian than Catalan.
Italy. It’s been 27 years since I’ve been there, but it’s got all kinds of things going for it. Beautiful women, food, culture, museums, art, beaches, the alps,
and beautiful women.
Thailand. Beaches, bar girls, street food to die for. A bit too humid for me but I think I could get used to it. I’d have a very difficult time picking up the language. Gack, I cannot deal with tonal languages.
Viet Nam. Kind of the same thing as Thailand, but I think the government would be quite a bit more oppressive.
Chile. Modern country with boatloads of natural beauty.
I’ve never been to the mainland Mexico, Costa Rica, or Panama, but I could imagine retiring to any of those places.
On preview, like Siam Sam said, whoa, no money? I spent a bunch of time typing this out, so I ain’t editing it. Australia wouldn’t let me in because you have to have something like a half a million dollars in assets, but barring that, at least my friend could give me a job. My technical skills have gone to crap so I’d be pretty much worthless in most countries, unless I could plea for a job at one of the distributors for my ex-company (Australia, Spain, England). I’ve got the work ethic of a stoned hippy so I couldn’t pick fruit or be a janitor. I’m old and ugly so I couldn’t be a prostitute. Yeah, I’d be screwed.