Forget Freedom Fries. We all scream for jingoistic ice-cream!

I know that precedent has most of the threads about “patriotic” nomenclature for comestables placed in the BBQ Pit, but this one is so bizarre it’s hard to get all bilious about it.

Behold: Star Spangled Ice Cream, “Ice-cream with a conservative flavor.”

I Hate The French Vanilla” and “Iraqi Road” are already available, but it appears that there is some delay in getting the “Cowardly German Chocolate” to market.

Be sure to check out their mailbag. Sweet.




That site cannot really be serious, can it?

And naturally, one of the first things that came to mind was “Crunchy Frog”

The mailbag is great fun though! :slight_smile:

hehehe…I love seeing people overreact like some of those posters…idjits…

When do we start calling turkeys “Liberty Birds”?

So wait-this is satire, or is it real?


It’s getting hard to tell, isn’t it?

their website ordering form goes to Paypal, so they are definitely taking money for it.

so if it is a satire, its fraud, and if not, they are jingoistic xenophobic fuckheads.

Actually serious, then?

I really had decided it had to be a joke.

But if they are serious, why re they so happy to display the negative contents of their mailbag.

Ah, no, not to worry - it’s just one more thing beyond my comprehension. I can cope.


*Celyn, ya gotta understand that seeing how much it pisses off liberals makes the product’s target consumer want to buy it more! A very clever marketing approach…

Wow, I forgot what I was doing coding-wise halfway through your name!

What I find funny is that they claim to have contacted “one of America’s premier producers of gourmet ice cream” to produce their product, and when you actually go to the order form, you see “the name ‘M&I Seafood Manufacturing Inc.’ will appear on the shipping label”.

Obviously, this is some new premier producer of gourmet ice cream I hadn’t yet discovered. Shrimp Ripple, anyone?
And uhm, isn’t seafood harvested, and not manufactured?

For some reason, I desperately want to get ‘Clinton Im-Peach’. Too bad they don’t ship to foreign countries.

According to their General Inquiry section, they’re for real.

Am I the only one who doesn’t really want to deal with political views in every aspect of my life? Sheesh, I don’t need to make political statements when I go to the store. And I sure wouldn’t spend $20 a gallon on ice cream!

I’m a liberal and the only thing that would really piss me off about this product is if, after shelling out good money for it, I found out it tasted like frozen crap. In fact, judging from the ingredients, it doesn’t seem to be much better from the typical cheap low-end ice cream you can find at any story at a much cheaper price.

I’m always annoyed when companies try to pitch their products as more politically correct or (in the case of conservatives) patriotically correct than their competitors because it usually means the product itself isn’t that good. When it comes to ice cream, tastebuds have no ideology. Whatever you have to say about Ben’s and Jerry’s political beliefs, the reason their ice cream sells is because, to many people regardless of political persuasion, it’s a damn good ice cream. After getting publicity for selling itself as the only ice cream for all true God-and-country, French-hating, Clinton-despising conservatives, Star Spangled Ice Cream’s ultimate success will depend upon whether the product is simply any good or not.

BTW, that should be “at any store at a much cheaper price.”

If they really want to pump up the right-wing ice-cream sales:

“Absolutely no union labor was used in the making of this product.”

Peanut Malaise sounds good.

I dare someone to order this.

Who’s willing to bet that both the product and the packaging were made in China?