You know, I don’t believe in scare tactics.
That has been the way of the Swedish ecucational system since the early 60’s, and frankly it doesn’t work. The thing is, telling kids about delerium, flash backs, paranoia, instant addiction and the likes doesn’t do squat to dissuade a young person starting to experiment with drugs, simply because that is not the way they experience it. They still try it and find that it’s fun, not very expensive since they’re usually offered some for free from other friends. There’s no instant addiction, they didn’t die on the dance floor from dehydration, they had no flashbacks, in short, it doesn’t scare them. It’s great, and since none of the scary stuff they’ve been told were true, they’ll make up their own minds about it.
I believe we need to tell them that yeah, it’s fun to begin with. If it wasn’t no one would do drugs more than once. But we (in Sweden) are so anti-drug that we’re scared shitless to actually tell it like it is, that drugs can be fun.
So there you have it. Any kid I come in contact with (and that’s quite a few since I study to be a teacher) I tell it like it is. I would only be doing them a great disservice if I started spouting the scary propaganda.
I smoked pot occasionally between ages 16 and 21. I enjoyed it, but eventually decided that it wasn’t for me. I think part of it is that I’m basically a cheap-skate and I didn’t want to spend what little money I had on pot. Also, seeing a friend go from recreational pot smoking to six or seven joints a day made me realize that that was not the kind of pathetic existance I wanted for myself.
I suppose this doesn’t help you much in dealing with your cousin. Maybe if you could hook him up with someone who has done it all, started recreational and fun, and ended up at rock bottom, that would be a start. I don’t think trying to scare him straight is going to work, at least not coming from you. I’ve often heard that rehab of any kind is always more effective coming from someone with first hand experience.
That’s just my two cents. I wish you good luck.