Fox News and women in leather skirts

(Full disclosure: because I have a well-established fetish for women who wear leather skirts, I have probably given this more thought than the entire board combined. Nonetheless, I would still like to hear the thoughts of others on this subject which is near and dear to my heart.)

In a recent GD thread, I was able to pull together seven recent examples of seven different* women on Fox News, all of whom are wearing leather skirts. Now having been an admirer of such women for a long time, I have personally noted that leather skirt loving women are fairly rare and exceptional. I find it too coincidental that seven women would make essentially the same wardrobe choice repeatedly. I also have it on good authority that leather skirts aren’t considered to be the most professional of dress (unless one’s profession is prostitution) and considering the way leather skirts will hike right up when a woman sits down, they’re not the best thing to wear on air. But Fox News seems to have them all the time.

So the question is, is this a mandate from the network? Do the anchors generally come in in street clothes and get handed their wardrobe for the day? Or do they bring their own on-air clothes? And when said clothes consist of a red leather miniskirt (Alysin Camerota is famous for this), does someone at the studio say “Fuck yeah! Put her in the leg chair!”? CNN will allow their ladies leather skirts once in a while (Kiran Chetry in particular, but she came over from Fox and she’s no longer with CNN) but I think they were just copying Fox and they seem to be going for a more conservative look lately. It doesn’t surprise me to see that Fox will do whatever will get eyeballs on the screen but I wonder if this is intentional or if there just happens to be a place on this earth where leather skirts just happen to be the most popular thing a woman can wear.

*Picture 3 is S.E. Cupp but it’s on a shitty imagehost so you may not be able to see her in her glory. However, she has worn that same skirt several times. At one point, she was the “ombudsman” for Red Eye, stuck behind a desk. So what does she do? She puts her legs up on the desk! When you see a woman in a leather skirt and heels with her legs up on a desk, it’s usually in a much different context.

Can’t speak to Fox News, but I was at the scene of a breaking news story once in Washington DC and four or five news vans were clustered together. The 4 or 5 female reporters on the scene were all wearing micro miniskirts that would get gawking stares in a nightclub. Since women in front of the news camera tend to have a very short shelf life, I’m pretty sure it was no coincidence. No written policy, just a competitive “I’m still the sluttiest in the land, goddammit!” ethos.

Sex sells. I assume the Fox newsbabes are strongly encouraged, if not ordered, to dress provocatively (within certain bounds). Leather skirts are just part of the image.

It’s my understanding that most anchorpersons, at any network and of either sex, have their wardrobe chosen by the employer.

completely and totally in line with the whole sexually repressed “family values” voter they court.