Freak Show on Comedy Central

I didn’t see any other threads about this show, so I figured I’d put one out there. I really wanted to like it because of David Cross, but this show is awful. Just plain bad. I don’t laugh, I’m not remotely offended or grossed out, I can’t even laugh at how lousy it is. The show is just plain boring. And that, I believe is the worst sin in the world of entertainment.

Anybody like the show?

Is it worse than Drawn Together? I’d find that hard to believe but then I haven’t seen Freakshow.

I actually find Drawn Together funny in an over the top sophomoric kind of way. Freakshow aims in this direction, but fails miserably (at least I think that’s what they’re going for).

I thought the first episode (in which the Freak Squad must visit a mad dictator’s island- not to overthrow him, but to get some nuts the President likes) was pretty funny. This week’s episode (where the Freak Squad must run the odometer back on the President’s Trans Am to raise its blue book value, but must also stop the owner of the evil Freakmart from making paparazzi take photographs of the owner of their freakshow in a Hitler costume- bad publicity!) was a little “eh.”

I like the premise that “these are the guys you hire for the really unimportant jobs.” And for some reason, Preemi the Premature Baby’s voice just cracks me up. “It’s a thunderstick!” “What?” “A thunderstick!” “Guys, he’s telling us in American Indian that they’ve got guns!”

I’m currently withholding judgement. The two shows I’ve seen have made me laugh a few times, but I think it needs to be developed more. Right now I still laugh at the selection of freaks portrayed. The selection is enough to make me laugh so far, but it will wear off pretty soon.

It’s not great yet, but bizzarre enough that I think it had potential. Oh, and, mobo85, I agree that Preemi is pretty funny.

For those who haven’t watched yet, the “freaks” portrayed are:
[li]Siamese Twins[/li][li]A Premature Baby (mentioned above)[/li][li]A Log Cabin Republican[/li][li]The World’s Tallest Nebraskan[/li][li]The Bearded Clam (yes, this is an actual giant clam (female) who has a beard)[/li][/ul]

It is growing on me. Give it a chance.

I really wanted to like it. So far, though, it hasn’t given me much of a chuckle.

I haven’t given up on it yet… I’ll keep watching for a few more episodes tp see if it grows on me.